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Elijah Gracia

Swimming is one of the only recreational activity I was a hundred percent sure I was good at. Mona advised to join the school's swim team but unfortunately they didn't have one. How can you have a fantastic pool in the school and not have a swim team?

It was also a way to relax and clear my mind but today it's charm was failing. My mind wasn't clearing up at all. My eyes kept shifting to the door each time I resurfaced from under the water. I texted Sammy about my location and he said he'd be here but that was 10 minutes ago and up till now he's no show.

And yeah I'm trying to clear my mind of Sammy. I've been thinking about him way too much of late. I could barely concentrate in class anymore and I had to keep adjusting and adjusting my pants because every little thing about him turned me on. I don't know where we stand— relationship wise. We held hands a lot now and even occasionally pecked each other but it was still under the guise of friendship and I was fucking tired of it already.

I don't know if he feels the same way I do. I don't even know if he's gay or not. And I don't know the best way to approach him about everything. To be honest I'm scared. I don't want to scarce him off. You never know with Sammy, one minute he's cool the next he's a freaking Volcano. I don't want to ruin what we have and he has enough problems in his life already, the last thing I want is to be part of it.

Talking about problems, Sammy's step father is surely one. He didn't do anything shady and even behaved friendly and cool but Sammy clearly doesn't like him and I don't think Melissa does. And there's just something off about him both the ugly scar on his face and his weird laugh. He didn't seem like a good man. I asked Sammy about it but he didn't really give me any answer. Just said 'they didn't get along well'.

And then there's his job. Gosh in all my life I've never really gone through anything as tedious as that. Lifting stuff seem pretty easy, until you actually start lifting for more than two hours. I almost collapsed and I was just helping Sammy. To think that he has been doing all that by himself every weekend was just heart breaking.

Now with someone like Sammy Walcott how exactly I'm I supposed to burden him with my problems of love-- no like. Speak of the devil—

My head rose out of the water when I heard the heavy swimming pool door open and close, I was alone in here so everything was pretty loud. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him walking towards the pool. He had a hoodie on –as usual– and mid walk he pushed the hood down running a hand through his hair. How sexy.

His beautiful blue eyes shone brightly in confusion as he looked around the pool then when his eyes met mine, his lips twitched into a small smile as he completed the walk over.

"You didn't call me here to swim right?"

I ignored the growing flutter in my chest and swam to the end, raising myself up and balancing my crossed arms on the tiled floor looking at him properly. He has got to be the most handsome guy in the universe. Looking this good should be illegal. I smirked, "What? Are you afraid of swimming?"

He smiled sitting cross legged on the floor, "Nope, just don't fancy it."

"I feel offended."

He gasped dramatically, "oh no, how horrible." Then rolled his eyes playfully.

I flicked water at him, "Jerk."

"Don't even start. I don't have extra clothes."

I pulled myself completely off water taking a sit on the edge close to Sammy but with my legs still dipped into the water. "Why did you come late?"

I didn't get a response so I turned to Sammy and I caught him staring at me– at bare my body. I smirked. "Sammy?"

"Huh?" He answered distractedly, then blinked and snapped his head up to me. "Yea?"

I bit my lip holding in my grin. "I asked why you were late, I texted you more than 10 minutes ago."

He looked away running a hand through his hair again. "Oh yeah, Wilson had trouble with his test so... took more time than I thought."

I nodded and nobody said a word after that. We just remained in silence... until Sammy broke it by groaning out loud. "God, I'm so tired."

"I've got a snack in my bag," I called out, reaching behind Sammy to grab my bag which I heartlessly threw to the ground. Unfortunately reaching for my bag brought me so close to Sammy, really really close. I could smell him and I could see a rapidly beating pulse on his neck. Before I could caution myself, I moved closer and kissed it.

"W-what are doing?" Sammy asked gasping a little.

"Trying to ease a tense muscle--" I answered distractedly moving even closer. Did that make any sense? Whatever.

Sammy didn't move away or recoil out of my reach and I found myself trailing kisses around his neck, I couldn't stop myself. Like I was possessed or something. My tongue reached out trailing down and a soft sound escaped from Sammy's lip. Instantly I was turned and if I didn't kiss him, I'd just run mad.

I moved so our faces were inches apart and Sammy's eyes were a bit glossy, we stared at each other for seconds before I moved to kiss him-

"You- you're gay aren't you?" Sammy asked making me halt.

I wasn't completely off by the question, I was weirdly expecting that. I nodded, gulped then asked, "you?"

He opened his mouth to say something but my phone beat him to it. I internally groaned before reaching for my phone and answering my mum.


"Young man, where are your manners?"

A sigh escaped my lips, "Hi mum, good day?"

She sighed too, "You're hopeless. Are you back home already?"

"Nope, still in school."

"Hmm well, your dad and I are going on an emergency trip, so take care. Don't burn the house down. Don't throw any parties. We'll gone for two days."

"Uh... okay. Did someone die?"

"No, business."

"Cool. See ya in two weeks Mona."

"Two days!"

"Sure, no rush."

"Ugh, bye."


I ended the call impatiently turning back to Sammy but he wasn't sat beside me anymore. My clothes landed on me and I turned to see Sammy standing a few feet away.

"Dress up, we've gotta go. Unless you want to sleep here."

I groaned internally again. Gosh, Mona is such a cockblocker. I was only comforted by the thought of next time. There would be a next time, I felt more courageous now. I was gonna kiss Sammy, even though its gonna cost me my head.


😏😏 stay tuned.

My hand's getting better, thanks for all your recovery wishes. Xoxo

#110 WHAT THE--


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