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Elijah Gracia

Sammy and I went to the police station to report his step father. But the police didn't take us seriously because according to them we were kids. They didn't even look at the video, claiming to be too busy for us then. Sammy was angry and their attitude was just making him more angry. Even I wanted to hit a police. In order to avoid further commotion and a future arrest, I had to call my mum. The adult.

Mona came to the police station immediately, after we told her all that been happening, showed her the video and explained our plan, she burst into tears. Sincere tears that proved to be exactly what we needed. There isn't a more better way to get the attention of the entire station that the words of an angry crying woman.

The sheriff got involved immediately and he sent some men to go look for Dennis and issued him a wanted man. Then he sent some others to go bring Melissa to the station.

Melissa was brought minutes later from her work and Sammy engulfed her in a hug. She went into the office of the sheriff and soon she was taken to some testimony room where she testified and photos of her fading injuries were taken. Photos of Sammy were taken too and if not that this was a serious matter, I would have burst out laughing at how uncomfortable he looked.

Dennis was given some restraining order until he is found and arrested, he wasn't to come close to the Walcott's.


We went back to school and the week was bloody busy. We had a lot of assignments and test to catch up on. I barely saw Sammy anymore, he was really busy with both lacrosse and school work and he had to tutor that annoying kid during practically all his free time. And I know the fact that Dennis haven't been found yet was working him up, and me too.

It took two weeks for the police to finally find Dennis although he was hardly recognizable. Dennis was found battered and bloodied, the both of his eyes were swollen purple and he had cuts and bruises every where. Whoever did that to him must have been sent by God himself. Although I know Sammy had more do with it.

Vittorio blah blah, some Mafia guy Sammy made friends with was surely the one who beat up Dennis. Sammy made a deal with the guy to help him take care of Dennis and Dennis's friends. Dennis always hits Sammy and then threaten to have his clique deal with Sammy and his mum if anything ever happened to him. If Vittorio did his job well-- which by the looks of things, he did -- then Dennis doesn't have a Clique any more, he's like a lone wolf, vulnerable to all.

His stupid friends can't help him avoid the police anymore and can't help him punish the Walcott's anymore. To destroy a tree, we've got to cut its branches first. Dennis was summon to court and we had a case set in one week time.


I gently reached down under the table, looking for where I stashed away my mum's glasses. My fingers found the case and I opener it, carried out the glasses and cleared my throat and as I wore them over my very good eyes.

Yes, I found out smallish girl called Andrea, apparently she's the only girl Sammy's ever noticed. We were talking about how many people we've dated and trust me I hated that talk. I'm glad about Sammy though, he's dated no one.

"What are you doing?" Sammy asked looking up from his book.

I cleared my throat, adjusting the glasses to the tip of nose. "What does it look like? I'm reading of course."

He nodded returning back to the text book spread out in front of him. I think I saw him smile, but it was so quick, I might have imagined it. Then he sang under his breath. "I only find Andrea cute."

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