Sammy Walcott
I was awake but at the same time, fast asleep. My mind was alert, I could feel the calm rays of sunlight sneaking into the room and I could hear the little beeps if my watch. But my eyes were closed and my body lying peacefully, not wanting to move at all.
Elijah and I were spooning on my bed. It even sounded surreal. Everything from last night sounded surreal. My lips twitched into a smile as I remembered last night. We kissed. He kissed me. Not my first kiss but my first kiss in years. I've almost forgotten how good it felt to kiss someone. At the moment, everything felt fine. Perfect. I could do that all over again, for as long as possible. Then-
The kettle's whistled, loud enough, I think the entire neighborhood heard. What kind of evil kettle is this?
Elijah groaned, the hand around my waist lifting as he turned around, lying on his back with a yawn. "Shit. What's that?"
"Sammy's alarm." I replied copying his new position. Although I missed his warm body being pressed against me.
Elijah blinked confused for a moment before he recalled that he was in my room with me. He smiled lazily yawning again. "Hey you."
I chuckled, "Good morning Elijah."
"Morning Sammy." He said with a smile. I made to get up from the bed but his hand went around me, pinning me back. "Five more minutes."
He watched me with a smile and made to kiss me but I turned my head to a side. "What are you doing?"
He surely wasn't expecting my question. "Uh-- er nothing."
I smirked then made to get up again. "We've got school."
"Wait," his hand clamped over my wrist. "A-are you mad at me?"
"No." I answered sincerely sitting back on the bed. "I just don't know what to expect now, are you going to run off and not say a word until another six years?" I asked turning to him, there was no hiding his pained expression.
"No. No. No, running off. I don't plan on leaving to anywhere and Sammy the only reason I didn't say a word or write back was because I was scared."
He nodded brushing a hand through his spiky hair. "Yes. I had all this new feelings and they scared me. I didn't know what to do with them. I didn't understand a thing and I didn't know what I wanted. Now I do. I know exactly what I'm feeling. I know what I want."
I gulped, I felt prickly all over and I just couldn't tear my eyes away from Elijah's brown ones. "And? What exactly do you want?"
He smiled, then smirked inching closer. "I could show you, if you'd just-"
I opened my mouth to say something, my hand going to his chest to stop him from moving any closer. But Elijah didn't let me, his lips were over mine in a second and as much as I wanted to shove him off me, I wanted to kiss him much more.
My back came to rest back on the bed with Elijah hovering over me, our lips still connected in a slow dance of passion. My hand on Elijah's chest moved around his body enjoying the feel of his muscles. A soft gasp escaped my lips when his hand slipped under my shirt. My tummy turned and I had to get out from here least I embarass myself by poking Elijah. But I didn't want to leave, in fact, leaving was the last thing on my mind. I could say the same for Elijah.
"Sammy, you in there?" Came a knock on my door that startled Elijah and I so much, we fell off the bed with a loud thud.
"Sammy? Are you alright?"
I was almost panting and I had to clear my throat before replying. "Yes mum, I'm fine."
"You are? Did you fall off the bed?"
"Um..." I turned to see Elijah placing his fist over his mouth to stop him from laughing out loud. "Y-yea. You startled me."
"Hmm. Well aren't you going to come out?"
Elijah was kissing me again, on neck, ear lobe, and it was driving me crazy. I was confused on how to reply my mum. That's until I elbowed him. "In a minute!"
"Fine. Don't be late." I heard her walk away and I jumped off the ground heading to the shower immediately before Elijah sees the mess that I am.
"Shower together?" He asked, and got a reply of the door bolting up.
I showered as quick as I could, calming my raging hormones that Elijah seemed to have awaken from where they slept with Hades. After showering, Elijah was still here and he showered in my bathroom too, putting on my big sweats after.
I couldn't stop looking at him. My sweats never looked so good on me but they fitted him perfectly. He looked great in my clothes.
Nobody was down when we came out and after finishing two mugs of coffee, we left the house. Thankfully we weren't late to school and made it early to homeroom. But the poor teacher was glaring daggers at me soon after because she had to call my name three times.
Why didn't I answer? Unfortunately its not because I was asleep or feeling rebellious, no, no. It was because I was distracted, my mind was somewhere else entirely. And it's all Elijah's fault. The sneaky asshole had his hand on my thigh all through.
I wasn't mad at him though. If love is blind, like is deaf.

To Love Him | ✔
Storie breviHR-19SS | Sammy Walcott is the loner boy. The boy with scars and bruises. The quiet lacrosse boy. Sammy doesn't have a problem being alone and everybody has come to know and respect this. That's until Elijah Gracia comes back to town. Being alone i...