Sammy Walcott
Sigh. "So if you don't get dragged here, you won't come right?"
Blank look.
"Why do you even always get into fights? Or are you blaming this on a door again? I see imprints."
More blank face. Only me can pull a blanker than blank face.
Another sigh. "Be careful Sammy Walcott, fighting isn't always the answer. Join some club or anything productive." Nurse Betty said closing the tube medication. Another sigh, "You may leave now."
"Thanks." I said speaking for the first time since I entered this office. I turned around leaving the room.
The annoying Chemistry teacher forced me to come get my lip checked. I was still bleeding. As usual they assumed it was a fight. What kind of boy fights involve slaps? Stupidity. They are all so stupid. Quick to judge and easy to deceive. Or many she had a idea but was too afraid to think it possible. What about me? Aren't I afraid.
"I don't remember you being clumsy Sammy. You sure you hit yourself on a door?" Elijah asked falling in step with me.
I don't even what to ask how and why he's here. He's been following me around and he was in my class when the teacher sent me to the nurse, with an escort. I turned to see him. He had this worried concerned look on his face. He couldn't see the imprints, not unless he came really really close to my face and really looked. "And if not a door, what else could have happened Elijah?"
He shrugged, "I really don't know. I guess you've changed more than I thought. I have a lot to catch up on."
I looked away disappointed. I wanted him to say it. To suggest it at least. Maybe then I could open up, maybe if someone guessed it then I could share and get a little burden out. Just say it. Guess it.
The worst part is that its not uncommon. So many teenagers in America get domestically abused. Its not something uncommon, rare or weird. So why can't they guess it. Why do they always believe the I got hit by a door excuse or the fell down the stairs excuse. If someone could just press and insist more...
"You're alright, right?" Elijah asked placing a hand on my shoulder.
I stopped walking turning to him and managing a smile. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're soft and sappy. I'm I the one who actually need to catch up to the changed you?"
He chuckled. "I was always soft and sappy."
I gasped, "You? You that made me fall from a skateboard, injure my arm and all you had to say was 'suck it up'?"
Elijah's eyes widened a fraction as he remembered the incident. Then he smiled, "I meant that in good spirits."
I rolled my eyes, "good spirits my ass."
He put his hand over my shoulder all of a sudden, pulling me to him and ruffling my hair. "Come on, don't hold one incident against me?"
I heard him but again I didn't hear him. What the hell? I was so close to him and this was invading my personal space in a whole other level. Maybe it was the person space breach or the strong cologne or even the fact that this was done out in the school hallway or the over friendlies of it. There could've been many reasons. There could've been many reasons why my heart skipped a beat.
"What the hell, Elijah." I voiced out freeing myself of him, my hand going up to touch my now disastrous looking hair.
He raised his hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry."
"You can't just do that. Not everyone has a perfect hair like you." I say thankful that I was going back to normal.
He smiled smugly, "So my hair is perfect?"
"Fuck you man." I told him, then sighed. "Now my hair looks like a bee hive."
"Not really but if it makes you feel any better, it wasn't all that neat the first place." He says smiling cutely. Like that gonna save him.
"Oh yea, let's perfect your perfect hair then. I mean, best friends should've have same hairdos." I say giving a wicked smile as I stepped closer.
He looked at me horrified. "Sammy don't even dare."
He wasn't quick enough. Thank God I was in the lacrosse team. I had my hands around Elijah in no time, my hand reaching up to make a mess of his hair, ignoring his protests. When I was done, I released him and looking at my handiwork, I burst out laughing.
"Yours much worst." I laughed pointing at his hair and laughing some more. My tummy ached, damn.
Elijah frowned trying to save his hair, then he just smiled. "If I have to keep a tornado hair to hear you laugh like that, then so be it. It's totally worth it."
That sucked the laughter out of me and I tried to frown but was failing. I'm sure amusement was still as clear as day in my eyes and my lips just wouldn't say straight. I tsked, brushing a hand through my hair.
This time he laughed and I couldn't resist the smile. I turned to go but he called back.
"Lunch with me remember."
I could count how many times I've been to the school's cafeteria. Four. The first time was to come look for Wilson, the second time was to come look for the Wilson, the third time...ah I was sick so I was ordered to buy lunch and the fourth well to come look for Wilson. So its no wonder Wilson leaves his seat with his friends and comes rushing to me.
"I forgot something didn't I?" He asks his voice laced with panic as he scratch his head. "I can't remember what though."
I chuckled, patting his hair down. "If you did, would I be doing this?"
He looked up at my hand on his head. "Yes, you would. If you're gonna be particularly evil with your punishment."
I frowned in mock hurt. "Me? Evil?"
"Please sen-- please Sammy. Tamper justice with mercy." He pleaded eyes still trained on my hand as he looked like he was going to shit himself.
I dropped my hand clearing my throat. "Get out pussy, I didn't come here for you."
"Oh." He said visually surprised, "you didn't?"
"Nope, I'm having lunch today." I answer him letting my eyes trail over to the Elijah who was standing, waiting for me by the side. He was trying to act cool, like he wasn't paying attention to me and Wilson but even a blind man could tell. My lips twitched up at that.
"You've scored friendship with the new boy? I didn't know friendship was something you participated in. Seems above you." Wilson says giving me a curious look.
I didn't know if to be insulted or flattered so instead I whacked him on the head. "Get out of here."
He frowned holding his head then smiled, "Yes, boss." Then he walked back to his table.
I sighed looking back at Elijah and noting how half the student body was looking at him too. Man, I hope I survive this lunch.

To Love Him | ✔
Short StoryHR-19SS | Sammy Walcott is the loner boy. The boy with scars and bruises. The quiet lacrosse boy. Sammy doesn't have a problem being alone and everybody has come to know and respect this. That's until Elijah Gracia comes back to town. Being alone i...