Chapter 3

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"What are we going to do?" I asked as panic continued to spread through my body.

"There's only one thing we can do." Eric said. "And that is to run."


"That's the only way to escape from those creeps. We can't fight them because, one; we are out numbered, two; vampires are at their strongest at this time of the night, especially those newbies, and three — " he looked at me, " — you're not a full Keeper yet."

It's like I was struck by lightning or something. How did he know that? My hands began to sweat and I can feel the mark on my hand heat up.

Carly looked at me, eyes filled with concern, and turned back to Eric. "Where are we going?" her voice has a hint of disappointment — she's blaming herself for putting me in danger.

"To the eastern forest," he answered.

"Are you crazy? That's the werewolves' part of the school. If we lead the vampires there — "

" — then they will let their guard down when they face them. The new vampires are always the distracted type which makes them easy to control. And you — " Eric pointed at Carly, " — can do those Keeper-energy-commanding thing to them. Make sure you control all of them or we'll have war." He continued.

Carly grinned then sighed. "I guess there's no other choice." She turned to me, "Can you handle it?" She asked. Her eyes, still filled with concern, were saying 'If you can't, I can carry you out of here.' — she always cared for me more than herself. Like a mother, Carly is willing to do anything for me.

I nodded. "Of course, I can catch up." I smiled. Carly smiled a little and nodded.

"Well, you better get ready." Eric said as he looked passed us.

I turned only to see that on the other end of the corridor are groups of people — no — vampires. They're maybe fifteen or more in total. I was just waiting for Carly to give me the signal until someone grabbed me and threw me to the wall. My head bumped hard and I was mourning in pain.

"Angel!" Carly shouted.

I coughed and tried to look up. I saw Carly's eyes rage with anger and she shot a look at the the vampire. "You'll pay for that you jerk!" Her hand blazed with red energy and was about to strike when another vampire appeared and kicked Carly right off her feet. She flew and hit her head on the lockers.

"Carly!" I screamed. I stood up and ran towards her but I was pulled back. My back was flat against the wall and a hand grabbed my throat. I was being choked when I was lifted up from the floor.

"Looks like I've caught dinner."

"Don't think so," Eric wrapped his arm around the vampire and bended him backward. But the vampire elbowed him in the gut and another vampire grabbed his arms, stretched them high and kicked his back so he's flat on the ground.

"Serves you right — " he turned back to me, " — for siding up on these pathetic Keepers." Then the three vampires laughed.

My vision is blurry but I got a glimpse of the vampire's face: dirty-blond hair, brilliant red eyes and, also, pale white skin. He has a scar that ran down from his right eyebrow to the bottom of his eye. His fangs were visible when he smirked.

I felt pain as he strangled me harder; my eyes felt like they're going to burst. His nails dug deeper to my skin — I forgot that vampires have strong, sharp nails — and I felt a little of water oozed out. And — wait — is just me or do I smell metal?

The vampire smiled. "Dinner is served." He said as he opened his mouth and leaned forward, towards my neck.

"Not on my watch,"

The vampire was suddenly blasted off and landed hard on the floor.

My feet found the floor and I leaned against the wall with my hand around my neck. I panted and coughed at the same time as tears came out of my eyes. I've touched my blood — good thing not much got out — and wiped it off with the sleeve of my jacket.

I looked up and saw Eric lifted the other two vampires on his hands and threw them towards the vampire earlier. The three of them flew back and landed in front of the other vampires. They snarled and hissed at us and when they are about to charge, Eric carried Carly on his back and shouted, "Run!" We both sped off.

Like what Eric said, I'm not a full Keeper yet, but that doesn't mean I don't have the abilities of my mythical parents. In fact, I can run fast like dad and jump high like mom.

We ran down the stairs, across the quadrangle and out of the school campus. Once we're out, we headed for the eastern part of the forest. We ran through the bushes, ducked and dodged tree branches, jumped over gaps just to get the vampires of our tails. It's like forest-survival training all over again.

I know. Why would they build a school near a forest? Well, here's the answer: the forest is a training ground for vampires, werewolves — and yes — Keepers. And like what Carly said, the eastern part is the werwolves' territory of the school. The other side, the western part, are for the vampires. They made an agreement that no opposite clan may enter each others' territory unless given a permission to do so. But we, Keepers, are an exemption. We can enter either side of the forest because we maintain the peace and order of the two clans.

But I think that's going to change tonight.

"Head down!"

I got lost in the situation we are dealing and almost bumped my head on a thick branch. Luckily, Eric pushed my head down and, after we passed by, we both hit our brakes. "Thanks," I panted as I leaned forward with my hands on my knees and tried to regain my normal breathing.

"No problem," he said as he gently lowered Carly. "Hmm... looks like sleeping beauty needs to wake up." He slapped Carly on the face and her eyes immediately opened.

"Oww... What the fudge?" She said and looked at Eric. "Oh, no, you didn't!"

Eric stood up and smiled, "Yes, I did."

"Why you — "

"Carly, we don't have time for that." I stood up but my feet felt wobbly, however, I still manage to stand straight. "You can hit him later. Right now, we need to focus on the problem."

"What problem?" Carly asked as two vampires appeared from the branches of the tree and hissed.

"That problem,"

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