Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Ariane Leyva

After a long, hot shower and dried my body and hair, I put on my bra and panties and took a good look at my reflection at the 7-foot, wall mirror displayed in the showers. I look from different angles to see how much I've changed for the past three months: my figure gotten slimmer than before and my once long, creamy blond hair that reached up to my waist was cut up to my breasts and my fair-white skin got a little tan — I'll deal with it later; just need lotion and it will go back to it's natural color. My eye caught the sight of the numerous small bruises that I have on my arms and legs. Also, I noticed that my ankle swelled a little. I checked them out one by one and sighed; I look terrible.

FWI, I'm not complaining. It's just that, my Mom taught me to be hygienic. And I mean, really hygienic. Every second, she would always say, 'brush your hair,' or 'don't get filthy,' or any reminders of being dirty. Well, that really got me curious: if she is a Keeper like me, and she knows that Keepers are going to fight or run or do anything that gets us filthy, why is she so over reacting to hygiene?

Well, because of that, I caught Mom's insane disease on health. Maybe — a little — I don't know! All I know I'm just... cautious. But that didn't stopped me from training because I have a few tricks in my sleeves.

I clenched my hands into a fist and focused on my energy. White smoke began to appear and it encircled on my arms and legs. It swirled on top of every little bruises I have and the swollen ankle and slowly went in. "Come on," I sighed, I realized my energy had dropped faster than thought. It was half-way on healing the light black-purple-colored marks and the swollen part on my skin. "Just a little more," I said through my grinned teeth until a shot of electricity passed through my brain which caused me to fall into the floor, disabling my powers and leaving me weak.

I panted and gasped for air as I tried to regain my strength and energy. I looked my trembling hands and caught a glimpse of my mark bleeding in the edges again. "Figures," I scoffed. Being a Half-Keeper is a boring thing to be in our world. Everything that the regular Keepers do, like Carly and Amber, is also half of what we, Half-Keepers, can do. The powers, the abilities, the energy — even the mark is half! The thought made me grin. I looked at my mark again — an unshaded crescent moon surrounding a black half-five-point star. I shook my head, erasing the thought, and tried to stand up when another voice roamed the showers.

"You're one of a kind, aren't you?"

I turned and saw a straight, black-haired girl with pink tips wearing a cream-colored shower robe. She leaned her shoulder on the doorway of the showers with her tan arms crossed over her chest. Her round lavender eyes stared at my defenseless body then met mine. A smile escaped from her lips. "Let me help you."

I grinned as she helped me stand up. Her eyes looked at my arms which has brown marks where the bruises were. "Seems like you've improved." She said as she turned my arm and observed every angle of it.

 "Seems like it. Um... can you — " But before I can finish, she flowed her red smoke-like energy to my arm and healed my brown marks. It also went into my almost healed ankle which now looks like a healthy one.

"Done," she grinned.

"Thanks Devon,"

"No biggie, just do me a favor not to got out looking like that." She replied as she referred to my almost naked body.

I smirked and playfully pushed her shoulder which made pushed mine too. We both laughed and play around for a while then she took a shower and I put on my clothes. Devon is one of Carly's friend who later one became one of mine. She's a strong-headed goth teen who never backs down a fight — like Carly minus the goth part. "I've heard what happened last night." She said in the showers after a few minutes.

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