Chapter 12

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"So, my dear," Sir Wales started as he walked pass the training field. William and I followed him as he continued, "What secrets does this school contain?"

"Um... Vampires and werewolves," I answered.

"Correct. There are many secrets and mysteries in the world that, even up to now, were not yet proven that these information even exist. But we, of course, are positively sure of one thing: vampires and werewolves are true." He slowly walked over a huge hump of soil. William walked over it and lend me a hand which I found a little comforting. Sir Wales continued, "Let us start with the vampires. Their clan are composed of three types of vampires: Pure Vampires, Half-Vampires and the Demonics.

Pure Vampires — as said — they are the ones who are pure-blooded. Meaning, they do not have any kind of human genes that lingers on their tissues. They are born with both pure-blooded vampire parents which explains why these type of vampires are fully alive." When he turned and saw the blank expression in my face, he chuckled and added, "I mean, that they are born like normal humans; their organs are fully working, their blood is circulating and their heart is pumping — like human babies, correct? They are also known for their great control for thirst. They are also the only vampires who are given a second chance to live since they were born as regular as the human babies."

"What do you mean, Sir Wales?" I asked as we stopped when two werewolves dashed right in front of us.

"I mean, they live like humans at first, with regular growth and physical changes. But when they die at old age or any causes, they are given the life of vampire immortality. Get the picture? They will live while their alive and when they die, they will have a second chance to live." Another blank expression showed in my face. When I was about to ask, he pushed on with his lecture. "Their vampire venom would take over their living body, consuming all of their living cells and blood until they became the real vampires that people knew today. The ones who are described as 'the living dead' in the human world; their body systems shuts down immediately and they don't need air for life. They will stay the way they looked like when they die: if you die at the age of fifteen, then you will live the rest or your life looking like the fifteen-year-old you. But there's an exemption for those who died at the age of eighty and above; when they die, their bodies will morph back to the look they have at the age of fifty. Like me. I died when I was seventy, then here I am now: as young looking as always. Why? You can't expect an elder to be physically strong in the human world, same goes in our clan." 

He stopped and laughed like he told a joke while William and I slightly looked at each other and almost choked by hiding our laughter — not from his unrecognizable joke, but for his enthusiastic attitude.

"So, did you caught up or should I repeat again?" He asked as he looked at me.

"No, I seemed to get the idea." I honestly said; although I'm quite confused from the second life part. 

Oh well, I'll just ask Carly.

"Well then, moving on. The Half-Vampires — "

"Let me guess; they are the ones who were changed by a vampire's venom; they are affected by the Anti-Vampire Weapons that the hu — I mean, people created; they cannot control their thirst and their strengths at the first months of their transformation — " I stopped and tried to recall what happened last night, " — and they're the ones who attacked me and my group last night, aren't they?" I looked at Sir Wales and William with demanding looks.

William scratched the back part of his head, hesitating to answer but Sir Wales clapped his hands with joy. "Bravo Ms. Spark! Quite outstanding! Like what I expected from a Spark." He praised with a smile spread across his face. I blushed for the unsuspecting comment.

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