Chapter 5

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I don't know how long I passed out, but what I do know is that I fell all the way to the forest floor. My back felt the moist of the soil, countless of dried leaves covered my body; and I heard the soft current of the stream flowed passed my hand.

I moaned and tried to open my eyes. The forest canopies had covered most of the night sky, but still the moon shined so bright and its rays beamed down the forest, giving me enough light to see my surroundings.

I laid there for a moment, feeling the coldness of the air overwhelm me. I took a deep breath and sat up. I winced when I moved my foot. I gently unlaced my rubber shoes and slowly rolled up my jogging pants. It has scratches and it was red all over.

I looked to my right, where the stream is, and took out my handkerchief. I soaked it and gently cleaned my ankle. After that, I soaked it again and covered it. I grabbed the nearest branch and hoisted myself up. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

By God, it hurts!

Suddenly, I heard a twig snapped. I scrambled to my feet, edged myself into the massive amounts of ferns and lowered down.

"Are you sure she landed here?" A figure appeared out of the bushes followed by another. I grinned my teeth when they're in full view. The hooded vampire and his friend!

"Well, it's hard to tell when you're thirty feet above the ground, idiot!" the hooded vampire jeered.

They hissed and argued. They were about to fight when someone roared, "Enough!"

The leaves rustled and a figure appeared right out the sky. He stood up tall and turned his head to the vampires, who stepped back in fear. "If you want to have that Keeper, then quit fooling around! The other one headed straight to those dogs. I bet they'll be here any minute." He continued.

I sighed in relief. Carly made it.

"You — go search at the north — and you — go search tot he west. After falling from the sky, she can't be too far. Move!"

I just a second, two continuous sonic booms were made as the two creatures disappeared into the darkness. But one still remains.

My eyes are fixed at him as he stood there.I recognized his clothing: he's the vampire with the scar. He turned his head to his right then to his left, and he began to walk around.

I couldn't breathe nor could my heart stop pounding so fast. My body is so still and I'm  sweating all over.

He stopped on the other end of the stream and began to push the ferns aside and searched. I slowly crawled away, as gentle as possible, but I was stopped when my hand accidentally snapped a twig.

I froze. All of my senses immediately shut down. I slowly turned my head to the vampire. He was looking here!

He titled his head, his eyebrows furrowed and slowly began to move forward. With each step he took, my heart pounded louder and harder, and when he is halfway to me, his hands were open with his fingers spread and ready to claw his prey in half; and that's me.

I slowly turned, nice and steady, and positioned myself with one knee on the floor. If, by chance, my ankle would endure the pain, I would sprang up to my feet and quickly jump from branch to branch — only if the vampire find me.

And that is right... about... now —


I halted — same goes to the vampire — as the goth vampire appeared out of the branches. "The other Keeper made it to the werewolves. They're on the way here!"

"Fallback!" Vincent bellowed. "There's no point on finding the other one anymore." He waved his hand but something about it doesn't seems right. Even his voice is strange.

The goth vampire raised her brow, but when Vincent bellowed 'fallback' again, it took her a second then nodded and dashed through the trees with Vincent on her tail. A hideous cry echoed to were they disappeared to, and, in an instant, swift movements were made. The numerous sounds came and left, twigs and branches snapped continuously and the leaves of the bushes rustled as all of the vampires quickly fled.

Seconds has passed and the forest was surrounded with complete silence. When the coast is clear, I gently stood up and limped out of the ferns. My ankle ached but I knew I can't stay here any longer. Even though the werewolves are at the loose, there's no telling what will the vampires' plan before they arrive.

I grabbed a long, thick branch to support me and slowly headed to the werewolves' training ground.

"No chance of finding her, eh?"

I froze.

A chuckled was heard. "That's the only way to make a trick. Now, we have her."

I turned and my eyes widened in fear when I saw Vincent and the other vampires sat on the branches of the trees, looking down at me with eyes filled with hunger.

Vincent curled up a corner of his lips and said darkly, "Let's get started, shall we?"

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