Chapter 2, Xander

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We had been waiting here for hours as the plan was far too important to risk showing up late. The explosions were set on a timer, which if we missed it would spell catastrophe for us all.

The plan was simple; we would blow up the two vans carrying the guards causing the limo and motorcycles to stop. Then we would kill the remaining guards, kidnap the Devil, and escape. Simple.

Several of our men and women had risked their lives by sneaking into the Legion of Hell's California base to plant the explosive charges in the gas tanks. Two hadn't made it. We had to succeed for them.

Not to mention the fact that once we had the Devil the Legion of Hell would fall and the world would be free. We would ransom her to her father for his missiles and hopefully never have to use them.

Thousands maybe even millions of lives would be saved by this plan; that's what I told myself as the cars came into view. The death toll would be worth it but that didn't make killing any easier.

Izzie, who was at my side, saw the pain in my eyes. We'd been in love with each other since we were 15 and she knew me better than anyone.

 "It'll be ok Xan," She assured me, "this plan will save so many lives."

 I simply nodded in return.Her words did little to ease my guilt but I doubt anything she could say would help. I'd killed before, but never like this. The poor men didn't even get a chance to fight.

Bang! The cars simultaneously exploded in beautiful towers of fire. On cue we all sprinted down the hill to the limo cocking our weapons as we ran. The explosions had evened our numbers but four of the guards had still survived, three men and a young woman.

One of the guards was charging towards me, I leveled my gun at his head about to pull the trigger. Then the doubt flooded in, this was a person, a fellow human being. Did he really deserve to die just because we were on opposite sides of a war?

I had hesitated too long. The man had reached me. He knocked the gun out of my hand then landed a punch on my jaw. I faked being dazed just long enough to grab my knife from my belt. The knife went in between his ribs with a wet thunk and he slumped onto the ground. Dead.

I left the knife, not wanting to see it covered in blood. I didn't regret the kill, but I still felt it was wrong to kill another person, even if it was in self-defense.

Before I could rejoin the battle Izzie grabbed me, yanking me out of the way of a knife as it hit the spot I'd been standing moments ago. She had saved me just in time. She didn't say anything but the look of sheer terror on her face made it clear she'd thought she'd lost me. 

Without a word Izzie ran off to help Leo but I noticed that the female guard was aiming for Izzie. In a desperate attempt to save her I leapt towards her tackling her to the ground just in time.

We both sprung to our feet at the same moment. We were both newly unarmed so as much as I disliked fighting people smaller than me, it was my only option. Hopefully it would be a quick fight.

To my surprise she easily dodged my next blow whirling around to kick me in the gut. I momentarily doubled over in pain but still managed to dodge her next attack whilst landing a punch on her shoulder. 

We were locked in the type of thrilling, adrenaline filled, combat you only find when fighting an equal. Time ceased to exist as we battled to the death.

Just then she lunged to my right, I moved to block but soon as I moved she had changed direction and lunged for her gun. Rather than trying to stop her I went for the gun of the guard I had killed. We both reached our weapons at the same time and each ended up with a gun pointed at the other.

Just then a dark haired girl had walked out of the limo with her hands in the air, a gesture of surrender. She matched every description of the Devil but it didn't make sense, the Devil was known for her merciless determination. Something was definitely off; she had surrendered to easily.

Just then a single gunshot rang out. The female guard had changed her aim from me and shot the Devil right between the eyes. She hadn't even hesitated. Then it hit me, the girl lying dead on the ground was a fake.

Before she could resume her aim at me I quickly placed the barrel of my gun on the back of her neck. "Devil," I greeted her, my voice dripping with false confidence, for there was no one else she could be. "Silver" she greeted me in return, even though we'd never met she somehow knew who I was. She dropped her gun and turned to face me.

As I looked into her face for the first time I felt my heart jump. Just the slightest little feeling but it was far from what I'd expected in this situation. It was probably just nerves.

She had dark hair in a thick braid, and intense strikingly blue eyes framed by thick black lashes. You could tell just by looking at her that she could kill you slowly and laugh. The gun pointed at her head made her no less intimidating. She was beautiful.

I put my emotions away as Leo handed me a rope. I tightly, maybe a little too tightly, tied her hands behind her back. She didn't even wince. I then tied a blindfold over her eyes trying to ignore the chilling smile on her face. We had actually captured the Devil, the second most powerful person alive.

Something made me feel uneasy as we pulled her into our beat up old truck. She shouldn't have been captured this easily. I'd heard tales of the Devil and from what I'd heard she could take down five armed men on her own with nothing but a knife. If that were true why was she sitting in the back of our truck?

Pushing away my doubts I got into the drivers seat. We were taking her to one of our safe houses, as far from our base as possible. We had actually done this.


Hey guys! What do you think of the two different perspectives, I couldn't decide whose point of view I wanted to do so I picked both. Don't worry it'll get more exciting when Kate and Xander are separated. Also what do you think Kate will do when she doesn't arrive at the Silver Order Base? Updates every Sunday at no specific time. Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think! 


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