Chapter 19, Kate

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I looked Leo in the eye. I'd never thought it would end this way. I'd go out in a huge battle fighting ten men on my own. I'd die at the hands of a worthy adversary after fighting with all of my strength. I'd die of old age and leave an incredible legacy.

I wouldn't die at the hands of a kid with a gun after defending myself from a cocky idiot. I wouldn't die in a basement after failing to escape my prison.

Then we both heard footsteps going down the stairs. Leo turned towards the noise and I seized my chance.

A moment later I'd disarmed him and he was staring down the barrel of his own gun. So it wouldn't end this way.

Xander was standing wide-eyed at the base of the stairs.  He had a gun in one hand but dropped it when he realized I'd shoot his friend before he could flip the safety off.

Should I kill them both?

No. I'd take them back with me, they could tell me where their base was hidden.

"Both of you put your hands up," I snapped, it felt good to be in control again, "try anything and I shoot."

The boys obeyed and I gestured for them to move up the stairs. Xander looked betrayed for some reason, I owed him nothing.

I led them out the side door and found they'd brought my limo to the house. Perfect.

"Get in," I ordered.

The minute they were in Leo slammed the door and went for the other door to escape. I'd seen that coming.

I pressed a button on the panel by the door and all of the doors in the back locked. It wasn't the first time I'd used the limo to move prisoners.

Leo yanked the handle with increasing frustration and I left him to figure it out. I had to get the girl.

Weapon in hand I crept through the house and into the master bedroom. I heard faint crying from under the blanket.

Not caring why Izzie was upset I took her gun from the table and slipped it into my belt. I flicked on the lights and she turned with a start. She glanced over to the side table and realization hit her.

"Where are Xander, Leo, and Ian?" she asked.

"Xander and Leo are locked in the limo and Ian is dead."

I'd expected her to cry even more or try to beg. Instead, her gaze hardened and she rose to into a sitting position.

"Get it over with then," she said.

She thought I was going to kill her now. I wasn't so kind.

"Actually I need information, I don't think I'll kill you yet."

Not a single tear rolled down her face. She simply rose and walked with me. When we got to the kitchen I noticed my knife on the table and returned it to the sheath in my belt.

Gun to Izzie's head I unlocked the closest door and pushed her in. I locked it behind her. I was finally getting out of this hellhole.

I climbed into the driver's seat, blacked out the back windows, and activated the car's autopilot back to the Legion's California base. The drive would take about half an hour.

Fifteen minutes later we were passing an old rest stop when something made me stop. Some teenage boys were chasing something and throwing rocks. I could use a fight.

I stopped the car and got out. I followed the boys behind the building where they were kicking a small bundle of fur. I heard a small whimper, then silence.

Without a second thought I stepped in between the boys and the animal, there were four of them and they reeked of cheap whiskey and cigarettes.

"Why don't you boys go home where it's safe?" I put as much threat into my voice as I could.

"Why don't you mind your own business bitch?" said the boy who was clearly the leader.

"I've never been very good at that."

I clocked the leader in the jaw. He tried to hit back but I dodged and punched him again. And again. And again.

He looked at me one more time and took off running with his friends at his heels. I considered shooting but didn't want to explain gunshots to the police.

I bent down to the bundle and found a puppy cowering on the ground. When he saw me he frantically tried to stand, when that failed he growled weakly. He was a fighter then.

I carefully scooped up the tiny German shepherd puppy and carried him back to the car. He tried to struggle a few times but eventually gave up.

I reached into the glove box and pulled out a small vial of MC-57, I always had two stashes on hand. I gave him a half dose and he healed before my eyes before passing out from exhaustion.

I resumed autopilot and 15 minutes later I was home. The guards at the door stopped me and after verifying my thumbprint I was let in.

A few of my men came out to take the three rebels to cells and I went up to my bedroom with the puppy. As soon as we got there he settled on the king-sized bed and dozed off.

I showered and changed into clean clothes. It felt so good to be home. One of the maids brought me a salad, a bowl of chocolate ice cream, and a glass of wine. It was heavenly.

Then someone knocked at my door.

"Come in," I called, annoyed at being disturbed. 

My brother walked in. He was wearing his usual pristine black dress shirt and black pants. He flashed me a winning smile and his blue eyes, identical to my own, lit up.

"Three days to escape," he laughed, "Katie you're getting slow."

"Might I remind you I captured Xander Silver and two of his closest friends."

"And a dog?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."


Hey guys! What do you think of Kate's escape? What will happen with the puppy? What will happen to the rebels now that the tables have been turned? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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