Chapter 14, Kate

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For the first time since I was five years old I devoured a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It had been tossed down the stairs in a plastic bag. I was starting to miss home, to miss chocolate and steak.

I could leave as soon as I found something to pick the lock. Derek would arrive with his diversion and I'd be gone. Then it hit me. The x-com.

I pulled the silver disk out of my pocket and with a final glance I smashed it against the concrete floor. The first hit barely made a dent but on the fifth attempt it cracked open and I was able to pull out a metal pin that would work perfectly as a lock pick.

I got up and flushed the remaining pieces of the device down the toilet. Xander would assume he'd lost it somewhere.

I'd have to kill him when I left. Either that or I'd bring him back to torture for information. Not that I really wanted to do that. No. I would. The Legion came first.

I heard gunshots upstairs for the millionth time today. The rebels were probably practicing. I needed to train. At home I'd be running right now.

Fifteen miles every day. Then weight lifting, hand-to-hand combat, shooting at the range, and the random wheel of weapons.

Weapons. They had my mother's knife. The only thing I had from the woman who'd raised me. I'd never been sentimental but I'd always carried that knife everywhere since her death.

I'd get it back when I escaped. Even if I had to kill every rebel before I could get information out of them.

The gunshots stopped.

Then they started again only more frantic and in an audibly different direction. I heard pounding footsteps upstairs.

Xander burst through the doors and franticly scrambled over to me.

"We have to go. Now!" he was clearly on edge as he undid my chains and grabbed my wrist.

I stood my ground, "Who's attacking and where are you taking me?"

"Everyone and I don't know."

I didn't have time to question him as he yanked me out the door. I was about to break free when I saw the all out firefight in the yard.

People in black legion uniforms shot at people in Gold Order camouflage. The small group of Silver rebels would be doomed if the two groups focused on them. Then I remembered they were here for me.

I realized Xander's goal. He was going to use me as a glorified bargaining chip to save his friends. And I doubted he'd give me to the Legion.

Without a second thought I jabbed my elbow into his gut, twisted my hand out of his grip and took of sprinting. I was done playing prisoner.

Not daring to risk stray bullets from the battle I scaled a tree and leapt the fence. I took of running towards an abandoned house.

I could have joined my side in the fight but it was a shoot out. As my mother had always said, "If the enemy's in range then you are to" and I didn't have the same bullet proof gear as my men.

I kicked down the door of the house and sprinted up the stairs. I entered what must have been the master bedroom before the bombing and looked out the window finding I could see the battle perfectly.

About thirty men were still standing. It seemed like most of the fighting was between the Gold Order and the Legion. The Silver rebels were on the roof with sniper rifles. On the bright side I didn't recognize any faces on my side.

I heard a floorboard creak and pivoted to find Xander had followed me. This was my chance to kill him and escape. I lunged.

He blocked with ease but I'd anticipated that. I blocked his punch and kneed him in the gut. He flinched but managed to knick my cheek with his fist.

I saw him reach for his gun but just as he pulled it I kicked it out of his hand and under the bed. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. Instead of breaking free he kicked my ankle causing me to stumble and lose my grip.

We simultaneously lunged at each other and both aimed punches at each other's heads. I caught his fist at the same moment he caught mine. We were locked together, practically holding hands above out heads.

Then our eyes met and the world stopped. His eyes were so green. Completely void of anger, they were full of what looked like desire.

Then he leaned in towards me and I found myself meeting him in the middle.

What the fuck was I doing?

Our lips met.

The kiss was soft at first then grew more and more passionate. I pushed into him needing to be as close as possible. His hands released mine and his fingers were in my hair. Mine found a place around the back of his neck.

I should have pulled away but I couldn't bring myself to stop. His lips were soft and they perfectly complemented mine. The kiss was unbreakable. Inescapable. Perfect.

I heard footsteps and we pulled apart both of us turning to face the door. Izzie entered the room and I couldn't help but feel my heart drop.

Xander was with Izzie. He'd never be with me. It was for the best. I had to kill him in the end.

She didn't even glance at me. Just pulled her gun and pointed.

"Ian's hurt," she gasped between heavy breaths, "Leo's ok and everyone else is dead or gone. But Ian took a bullet to the chest."

Xander looked at me and I saw a glimmer of regret in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and we started to run back to the house. I'd actually kissed him.

I'd never thought I'd have a first kiss and this wasn't how I'd imagined it happening. I needed to kill them and escape, soon.


Hi guys! What do you think of the battle scene? What do you think will happen to Ian? And most importantly of all what do you think of Kate and Xander's FIRST KISS? Please vote, comment, and freak out over the kiss. (Although Izzie does still exist *laughs evilly*)


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