Chapter 18, Xander

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Leo had made spaghetti for dinner. It was absolutely delicious. It had just the perfect amount of sauce and the meatballs had been great despite having been frozen.

When we'd gotten back the Devil had settled into a chair and no one had bothered to take her back to the basement. She'd already devoured her food and was sitting, watching us.

"Are you sure it doesn't still hurt?" Izzie asked for the billionth time that night

"Only a little but I'll be fine," Ian replied, in the way a celebrity would speak to his fans about the troubles of good looks ad money.

The devil burst out laughing.

"Are you kidding me? He got shot once, had adrenaline going the whole time, and was only in pain for two minutes before hero boy here got MC-57. And you're all acting like he single-handedly fought off an entire army with a beer bottle after losing a leg!"

I couldn't help but laugh. Then I noticed everyone else glaring so I fixed a similar expression on my face. She just rolled her eyes.

Leo got up and started escorting her down to the basement. I glanced after her before turning to Izzie.

"Why don't we head to our room, I have some stuff I want to talk to you about." I turned to Ian. "You good man?"

"Yeah, I'll get guard duty tonight. You two have fun."

Ian gave me an exaggerated wink before heading into the living room. A moment later I heard him watching a hoverball game on his x-com.

Izzie grabbed my arm and we walked back to our room. I had to tell her about the kiss. We didn't keep secrets.

As soon as the door closed Izzie pulled off the oversized t-shirt she'd been wearing. She'd told me she'd taken off her shirt to stop the bleeding and Leo had been nice enough to give her his. He was a good guy.

Izzie pulled off her pants next. She was gorgeous. I couldn't believe I'd cheated. She wordlessly walked over to the bed and lay on it, wearing nothing but her underwear.

"Your turn Xan." She said gesturing towards my clothes.

I ignored her sitting on the bed. No secrets. That had been our rule since we were fifteen.

"Iz there's something I need to tell you."

"Good news or bad?"

"I ummmmm...I kissed her." I blurted out the last part, why had I been so stupid?

Izzie's smile dropped, "Her?"

"The Devil."

"Please tell me you're joking"

"If only. I'd take it back if I could Iz. I love you."

"But you still kissed Death's daughter."

"I'm so sorry."

"I don't know what to say."

At this point she had tears running down her cheeks. I loved her. I'd never meant to hurt her.

"Izzie I love you so much. It was a stupid impulse and I swear it won't happen again. Please I'll do anything." At this point I had a few tears running down my face.

"I can't be with a cheater Xan. How can I know if you'll do this again?" she was yelling at this point.

Why had I screwed up so bad? Why couldn't I just be the perfect boyfriend to the girl I loved. We would have gotten married in a few years.

"What does this mean, for us?"

"I don't think there is an us anymore. You kissed another woman."

"So we're breaking up?"

"I guess we are."

If I had a time machine I'd take it all back. I'd forget this whole stupid plan. I'd never even go near the Devil.

"You can have the room then, I'll sleep on the couch."

She just nodded through her sobs. I could tell she was hurt, betrayed. I was an asshole. I'd never deserved a girl like her.

I grabbed my duffle bag and left her. She needed space right now. Why had I even kissed the Devil of all people?

I lay on the couch just staring at the ceiling. I didn't think sleep was possible but I drifted off eventually.

I was running through a field. From out of nowhere a water balloon smashed against my leg. I spun, water gun in hand, to find a little boy grinning at me.

I blasted him in the chest with my squirt gun and he laughed running across the field as I chased him.

I caught up to him and swept him off his feet. I hoisted him onto my shoulders and he laughed.

Then I saw her, the Devil herself in a green t-shirt and jeans holding a water balloon. She did a series of complicated flips and launched the balloon at my head. Our son clapped.

I leaned forward to keep him from falling off my shoulders. She leaned in and kissed me. I felt one hand on my waist but the other was unaccounted for.

Then I realized the trap as the little boy smashed the water balloon his mother had given him on my head. I blinked the water out of my eyes.

Suddenly the happy family was gone and I was home, in the main Silver Order base. It was pouring.

The Devil was kneeling in the middle of what we called the square. She was beaten and bloody but still had a defiant look on her face.

Her wrists and ankles were bound behind her back. Izzie was towering over her, gun in hand. I spoke.

"Devil, for the crimes you have committed against humanity I hereby sentence you to death. Do you have anything to say before the sentence is carried out?"

"I regret nothing." She actually smiled.

Izzie cocked her weapon and I nodded. She pulled the trigger and the Devil fell.

I woke with a start. The stairs were creaking and I shot to my feet grabbing my gun from the coffee table. She could be escaping.

I didn't see her anywhere so I descended the stairs. The doors were wide open. Leo was aiming his gun at her. I heard his voice.

"Do it."


Hello fellow humans. What do you think of Xander and Izzie's break up? What about Xander's dream? Finally, will Kate survive? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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