Chapter 15, Xander

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Leo and I had gotten up at the crack of dawn and taken the motorcycle back to the scene of the kidnapping. We had brought the limo and the truck back with us.

I'd sorted through the weapons and we'd decided to train. We were practicing hitting targets from the roof.

Leo and I had hung random old objects from trees using string. The objects ranged from an old tire to a few bottle caps. We were competing to see who could hit what.

"Five bucks I can hit that bottle cap on that tree," Leo said, he was already aiming.

"Deal," I said reloading my own rifle. "Now remember no pressure."

"Oh fuck off."

He aimed and I held my breath. He pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight into the center of the cap. The now-empty string fluttered in the wind.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. I reached into my pocket for my x-com to transfer the money but it was gone. I'd lost it more times than I could count so I wasn't worried.

"I must've left my x-com in the house," I said, "pay ya back later."

Leo rolled his eyes as Izzie climbed up the ladder with Ian following behind her. She strolled over and grabbed a throwing knife. She threw in a lethal arc and it lodged in an old Tupperware hanging about fifteen feet away. She smirked and went to grab a sniper rifle.

When she and Ian had set up their guns we all started one-upping each other for the best shot. I managed to hit a potato chip in a tree branch but Izzie got one through the handle of a pair of scissors. Ian's best was a baseball twenty feet away.

Leo, however, managed to get one through the hole in an old music disc about fifty feet from us. Then he beat that by simultaneously hitting the strings of three at the very edge of the yard.

Then Izzie stopped shooting and the color drained out of her face. We all saw what she was staring at. About fifteen men were crouched in the bushed surrounding the yard. How long had they been there?

Then to make matters worse I heard the unmistakable sound of machine-gun fire from the front of the house. I turned to look just as a bullet clipped the sleeve of my t-shirt. Soldiers in black Legion uniforms were firing at us from the front yard.

The Gold Order men noticed them at the same moment we did and they charged out of the bushes and into the front yard to fight them. One thought surged past the others to the front of my mind. The Devil.

My friends turned their weapons on the enemy as I scrambled down the ladder and into the house. I sprinted through the hallway and down the stairs into the basement

I found her casually leaning against the wall as if nothing was wrong. I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked her chains one at a time. My fingers wrapped around her wrist.

She glared at me and without moving asked, "Who's attacking and where are you taking me?"

"Everyone and I don't know," I stated before yanking her out the door.

Bringing her into the battle would result in me being promptly shot and her being captured by one of the sides. I obviously wouldn't let that happen.

I could try to wait until there was a clear winner and give her to them in exchange for our lives. The plan was important but it wouldn't work if we were dead.

Then I felt something jab me in the gut and she was gone. I turned and saw her scaling a tree. She gracefully leapt the fence and was gone. I took off after her.

I sprinted across the street and saw her kick down a door to an old house and sprint inside. I followed and began creeping up the stairs. Then as I reached the top a floorboard creaked under my foot.

The Devil turned and immediately lunged at me, murder clearly written across her face. I blocked and aimed a punch at her stomach. She blocked and kneed me in the gut. I brushed her face with my fist barely missing her cheek.

I went for my gun hoping I wouldn't have to fire it. Before I could cock it she kicked it out of my hand and under the bed. She twisted my arm behind my back but I kicked her ankle as hard as I could. She stumbled and let go.

We both launched our selves at each other and I caught her fist just as she caught mine. We were so close. I'd never fully noticed how beautiful she was.

My eyes found her beautiful blue ones and, as usual, time stopped. I wanted her in that moment more than anything.

I leaned in.

I couldn't do this.

She met me in the middle.

We kissed.

It was like a normal kiss had downed a pot of coffee, bought fireworks, and was setting them off with dynamite.

If someone had offered me a choice between a new car full of chocolate and gold or this kiss I'd have chosen the kiss.

If I had five minutes to live I'd want to spend it kissing her.

In that moment I couldn't care less if she was evil or if we were on opposite sides. She was perfect and I needed her like I needed air.

Then she pulled away and I heard footsteps. Izzie poked her head in seeming shaken. She couldn't have seen. Could she?

Between desperate gasps for air, she managed to get out, "Ian's hurt. Leo's ok and everyone else is dead or gone. But Ian took a bullet to the chest."

My heart dropped. Ian couldn't die. I grabbed the Devil's hand trying not to hurt her and we started sprinting towards the house.

I had to tell Izzie about the kiss. We didn't keep secrets. What had I done?


Hey guys! Do you think the Legion will return? What do you think about the kiss? What will happen if/when Xander tells Izzie? Please vote, comment, and scream excitedly about the kiss!


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