Chapter 8, Xander

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"Stay here" I told the Devil as I sprinted up the stairs.

It wasn't as if she could go anywhere but I was panicking. How could the Legion have found us? Someone as high up as the Devil wouldn't have a tracker in her, if she did it could be hacked.

I didn't have time to question how they'd found us; I had a Legion to fight. But when I arrived outside I wasn't greeted by the familiar sight of the Legion's black uniforms. Instead I found myself face to face with men in camouflage similar to my own clothes, the Gold Order.

All eyes turned to me as I burst through the back door into the yard. The Gold Order men knew who I was; they were looking at me, daring me to try something.

"We don't want to have to hurt any of you" one of the men said, obviously not meaning it, "just give us the girl and nobody gets hurt."

They had fourteen men to our four, not to mention the fact that they were older and better equipped. But if they got the Devil I knew exactly what would happen. The Gold Order would take over and nothing would really change.

My father had originally joined the Gold Order after my mother's death. But when he found out Richard Gold's true motives were to take over the world he risked his life to get us out and start the Silver Order. I wouldn't let his decision be in vain.

"Not happening." I told the men, my voice sounded more confident than I'd expected it to.

As if on cue Leo shot the man between the eyes. He had always been the best marksman in the group. Then the battle erupted around me. My friends didn't question my motives for moment. They trusted me. And that was terrifying.

Five men instantly surrounded me. Three of them had guns and the other two wielded knives. This should be interesting.

My father had started teaching me to fight when I was 10 and I had been getting better since then. While I hated killing, combat had always been one of my greatest strengths.

One of the men took a swing at my jaw, which I easily blocked. I returned the favor with a punch to the gut. I turned to my four remaining opponents. I disarmed two of the men with guns within the first minute. I didn't want to but it was time to go on the offensive.

I started placing more and more hits becoming more and more strategic with each one. I never stopped moving once as I avoided hit after hit.

Leo yelled from behind me "to your left!"

I turned just in time to see a man lunging at me with a gun. Before he could shoot I grabbed his outstretched arm pulling it behind me. I gave his arm a sharp twist and he cried out in pain, dropping the weapon. I released his arm just as he pulled a knife lunging at me.

Then I heard Izzie's voice "Xander duck!"

I dropped into a crouch just as a knife sailed over my head impaling my former adversary. I glanced in Izzie's direction to see her fighting three men at once. She was amazing. Then I saw a woman sneaking up from behind her.

"Izzie," I screamed, "behind you!"

Izzie turned and shot the woman an instant before she would have been stabbed. Most guys would have been worried about their girlfriends fighting highly trained soldiers but Izzie could take care of herself.

When I turned back to my own battle I found only two men. They had picked up there guns when I'd been distracted and were aiming at my head.

I didn't have time to wonder where the other two had gone as I pulled my own gun. I instantly shot one of the men in the head before dropping as a bullet flew over my head.

I kicked the last man's feet out from under him before pulling a knife from my belt and throwing it into his chest. I tried not to retch as I pulled the knife from the now lifeless corpse. Killing never got easier.

I then turned to see if my friends needed any help. Then to my utter shock I saw her. The Devil herself was fighting three men at once. She fought exquisitely, like a lethally choreographed dance.

I noticed guns lying on the ground away from the fight. She had taken out the ammo and thrown them. Why wouldn't she just kill the men instantly? Then I realized she was toying with them. Like how a cat played with her prey before making the kill.

Then she struck slashing her knife across a soldier's throat. I saw no regret in her piercing blue eyes as his body hit the ground.

She turned to one of the other men and I almost felt sorry for him as she tripped him. She gracefully somersaulted through the air and landed on his neck. I winced as it made a sharp cracking noise.

She dodged an attack from the last survivor before catching his fist as it flew towards her head. She threw him onto the ground and as she pulled her knife I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

The last surviving Gold Order soldier was sneaking up from behind her. He aimed his gun and just as her was about to take the shot he fell, he'd been shot through the head.

I glanced down at my hands to see I'd been the one holding the gun. I hadn't even thought I'd just killed him. I glanced back at the Devil to see her rising from the corpse of the man she'd killed.

She glanced in my direction before giving me a nod and taking of at a run. Our plan was over, just like that.

Then I heard a gunshot and the Devil fell. Leo had shot her in the ankle. His aim was perfect as usual. He'd saved the plan, so why was I disappointed.

We all walked forward surrounding the Devil. She glared up at us, eyes full of hatred. Then she glanced at her shoulder and I saw her eyes fill with fear.

I followed her gaze and immediately saw why she was afraid. Limbo. I'd seen the poison's effects before and she would be dead within a few hours. It was unavoidable.

Her eyes locked onto mine for a moment and she opened her mouth to speak. And a faint whisper came out.

I barely made out the words "MC-57, in the limo" and then something indistinguishable before she passed out.

MC-57 stood for miracle cure five milligrams in seven minutes. It was a drug made from cloned adult stem cells that could cure practically any injury or illness. It was extremely expensive but if anyone had it, it would be Death. It was the Devil's only hope.


Hello readers! What do you think of Xander fighting skills? Do you think Xander will be able to get the MC-57 in time? Do you think he'll try? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think.


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