Chapter 13, Audrey

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If my neat freak of a mother had seen where I stood that day she would have had nightmares for weeks. The warehouse was absolutely disgusting, the walls were gray and moldy, the concrete floor was chipped and stained with something I hoped wasn't blood, and the whole place smelled like... never mind.

It was far from how you'd imagine a weapons lab to look like but Mr. Gold had told me that was its purpose. Annoyingly mismatched tables filled with lab equipment filled a quarter of the building. If I had a few hours and a HAZMAT suit it would have been a fun challenge to organize.

Mr. Gold and the man simply known as Doc were talking in the corner. They both had smiles across their faces but you could tell they were tired of each other.

Mr. Gold had complained endlessly to me during the ride there about his heavy Russian accent. It was starting to grate on my nerves as well. Why had he even brought me?

I started to edge closer my three inch heels clacking on the concrete. I carefully edged around various puddles until I was standing respectfully at Mr. Gold's side.

Without even looking my way Mr. Gold addressed me, "Mind writing this down sweetheart?"

I really wished he'd be more professional, but I'd never been all that brave. I tucked a lock of strawberry blonde hair behind my ear.

"Of course sir" I replied, at least I could be professional.

I pulled out my x-com, sat at a slightly cluttered table, and began typing as Mr. Gold dictated.


Order 4357003-D

One highly transmittable, human carried, biological elimination device.

Twenty-five vials of curative serum.

10,000 preventative vaccines.

The virus has been coded to eliminate all people with genetic marker 83-b7 on the Factum Genetic Classification. Creation started on 6-20-20, completion scheduled on 7-24-20. The virus has been coded from a sample of DNA from the person known commonly as "The Devil". Due to limited sample non-vaccinated people with marker 83-b7 will contract the virus.

Estimated casualties: 25,000,000 people

25,000,000 people.

25,000,000 PEOPLE.

25,000,000 PEOPLE.

The cold feeling of dread settled into my stomach and I found myself clutching the table with a one-handed death grip.

I thought back to my genetics class in college. The Factum Scale was very broad, if you were basing something off of one genetic marker it would affect a lot of people. Even if the virus only affected 83-b7s then that was still 1% of the world population dead.

25,000,000. Innocent. People.

Mr. Gold and Doc were looking at me expectantly and I realized I still had to link them the document. I sent them the file before pushing a key that I'd installed to make saving messages easier.

The document was sent to one of my personal files and I 'deleted' the copy I'd just typed. I'd go to the police as soon as we left. I couldn't just let them die.

Without my notice Mr. Gold had started a conversation with Doc.

"So your 100% sure I'm immune?" Mr. Gold asked.

"I'd get a vaccine to make sure, but you should be good."

"Perfect. Pleasure doing business with you."

"And my test subject?"

Mr. Gold unprofessionally placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt a needle like prick where he touched me. I suddenly became aware of Doc eyeing me.

Test subject?

"Of course. You're sure she has the right genetic markers?"

"I'm sure. I tested the strand of hair you gave me last time."

Doc looked at me the way a dog looked at a piece of meat. I had a bad feeling about this man. Suddenly I needed to leave.

I tried to stand up but the floor started to spin under my feet. I made it three wobbly steps in my three inch heels before I was on the ground.

Then it hit me.

That son of a bitch Richard Gold had drugged me.

Doc grinned.

The world went black.



Hi guys! What do you think of Audrey? Do you think she'll survive? On a scale of "want to bash his head in with a brick" to "want to slowly murder him with a rusty knife while forcing him to listen to Justin Bieber" how much do you hate Gold and Doc? Please vote, comment, and scream at these monsters!


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