Chapter 11, Kate

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I couldn't have feelings for Xander. I didn't have feelings for him. In fact I hated him. The kiss had been part of the hallucination; it had nothing to do with me having feeling for Xander. I didn't have feelings for him. I needed to stop thinking about him.

The familiar discomfort of MC-57 lingered in my chest but other than that I felt amazing. I hadn't used MC-57 in months and had forgotten the godlike feeling of surviving a near death experience.

Then it hit me. Why was I still alive?

They had actually saved me. My enemies, the people who had kidnapped me, chained me in a basement, and even shot me, had actually saved my life. It was down right idiotic. I should be dead.

At least they'd had the common sense to handcuff me to the table. A little too tightly actually. The thing that struck me the most about the scene was the way the rebels were all glaring at Xander. Maybe they hadn't wanted to save me.

Then it clicked. He'd been the one to save me. Xander was soft; from what I'd seen of him he was too kind for his own good. Not to mention naïve. He was the only one in the group dumb enough to save the enemy. I couldn't have feelings for someone like that.

As if proving my point Xander spoke up, "I had to give it to her. Her father will contact us; the plan will not be a failure. I promise."

"Why should we believe that Xan" Izzie snapped, "You saw with your own eyes what she did to those guards. I love you but you can't save everyone."

"I say we shoot the little bitch in the head." Ian spoke this time.

Didn't they see that I was sitting right here. Luckily for me they hadn't restrained my legs. My foot found its mark in between Ian's legs. I smirked as he cried out in pain. This was too easy.

"So I exist." I reminded them, "And for your sakes I recommend we avoid the bullet in the head approach."

"I'm going to take her down to the basement." Xander said.

"Good idea." Leo grumbled.

Izzie undid my handcuffs and Xander firmly gripped my arm. I wrenched it out of his grip.

"I can walk." I snapped, I could feel my dignity slipping. I needed to end this whole 'prisoner' thing.

Xander followed me as I strode down the stairs and into my prison cell. On a whim I grabbed the cot and slid it next to my chains. Xander didn't stop me.

He apologetically fastened the first chain around my ankle. I felt my hair and noticed that they'd taken my hairpins. I'd have to find another way to escape. Then I had an idea.

As he fastened the second chain to my ankle I carefully leaned forward. I made sure he wasn't looking and slipped my hand into his pocket. I carefully pulled out his x-com and slipped it under a blanket on the cot just as he looked up.

"I'm really sorry." He apologized.

"Why?" I hadn't the faintest idea what he could be sorry about.

"You didn't ask for any of this, you didn't ask to have Death for a father and you definitely didn't ask to be kidnapped."

"You say that like I'm innocent."

"You don't have to be innocent to be human."

"I'm not human. Not in the way you're thinking. I've killed hundreds if not thousands of innocents. I am not good, I will never be good, and I don't ever want to be good. Stop trying to save me, I don't need to be saved."

"I know there's a little good in you. You could have killed us when you tried to escape, but you didn't."

"I'd been poisoned, I wasn't thinking straight. Next time you won't be so lucky."

"We'll see." He smiled. "I should go."

Without another word he went upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Probably off to try to decide my fate. I'd be gone as soon as I could find something to pick the lock.

He hadn't even gotten mad at me. He'd only seemed sad. Why wouldn't he just hate me like the rest of them? It would be so much easier if he hated me.

I'd prepared myself to die. When I'd gotten shot I hadn't thought I'd survive. Nobody survived limbo without MC-57 and the rebels wouldn't have any on hand. It was too rare and definitely too expensive for the Silver Order. Xander had gone all the way to the kidnapping site.

Getting shot like that was a mistake. I'd gotten used to my bulletproof jacket and hadn't thought to be extra careful without it. If I'd made that mistake when my mother had been alive she'd have lectured me for at least an hour.

The worst par of it all was that I'd had to be saved. I'd been weak and helpless. At least I wasn't stupid enough to believe in honor, I owed them nothing.

I pulled the x-com out from under the blanket and sat on the cot. It was, of course, password protected. Out of sheer boredom I tried 1234. No luck.

I tried a few others. 2102, the year Xander was born. No. I didn't know his birthday. 2080, the year John silver was born. Still no. Then I tried 2110, the year the Silver order was started. Still no luck.

I only had one more try before the device was disabled. I racked my mind for possibilities, and then I had an idea. 2108, the year Andrea Silver had died. Password accepted.

I opened the message app and typed in my brother's x-com link. I typed the message:

Derek, I've been "kidnapped" by the Silver Order. They're trying to hold me for ransom; obviously this won't work. Send a diversion to the neighborhood in California that our father bombed in 2111. I'll kill as many of the rebels as I can and escape. -Kate


Hi guys! What do you think of Kate's possible feelings for Xander? What do you think Xander's friends will try to do to Kate? What do you think will happen when Derek gets the message?


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