Chapter 20, Xander

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I gripped my gun in one hand as I crept towards the stairs trying to see what was happening. I carefully peeked around the wall but couldn't see anything.

Screw it.

My footsteps broke the silence as I descended into the basement. Leo met my gaze and I cursed my very existence.

The Devil had gotten his gun and had a cocky smile on her face. She knew I was trapped. I almost threw up when I saw Ian's dead body lying behind her. His face had turned blue and was frozen in an expression of shock.

Why hadn't I remembered the safety? Why hadn't I had my gun ready as I went down the stairs? Why hadn't I double-checked the Devil's chains? Why hadn't we abandoned this stupid plan?

I surrendered, dropping my gun. She hadn't killed us yet which was a good sign. She might take us prisoner and we could escape.

"Both of you put your hands up," she ordered, "try anything and I shoot."

For lack of a better option I obeyed. I followed her up the stairs and through the kitchen.

I couldn't believe this girl had cost me my relationship with Izzie. I'd kissed her and she'd kidnapped me. It was my own fault.

We went through the side door and she ordered us into the limo. I got in first, then Leo.

Leo stupidly slammed the door and lunged over to the other one to try to escape. The Devil had already locked it. Leo kept yanking on the handle in desperation.

Leo completely ignored me and I was fine with that. He'd have found out about the break up by now. The walls were too thin to keep secrets.

He probably even knew about the kiss. Why had I been such an idiot?

The Devil came back with Izzie at gunpoint. Izzie had a look on her face I'd only seen once. She looked hopeless.

Nobody who'd been captured by the Legion survived. Or if they did they were never heard from again. Or there was one man they'd let out who'd never spoken again except when he screamed every day at dawn.

No. We'd be the first to escape. We'd get back to the Silver Order and come up with a new plan. We had to.

The windows blacked out and the car started. I looked over at Izzie and Leo. Izzie was staring blankly at the floor. She was still in her underwear from before.

Leo was weakly pounding at the window. We all knew no one was coming to save us.

The Order would fall to one of the few remaining adults after the pink mist bombings. Probably Tessa or Daniel. Either of them would probably do a better job than I had.

Then I had an idea. I reached across the limo and pulled a bottle of champagne out of the fridge. I popped the cork and Izzie looked at me like I was insane.

"To our first time riding in a limo," I said with a grin.

Leo chuckled and before long we were all laughing. I poured three glasses and we toasted clinking our glasses. Izzie broke hers, which only made us laugh even more.

We were hopeless and the only thing left to do was stop caring. So that's what we did. We popped two more bottles and chugged.

Before long the limo stopped. We collectively took a swig of fancy booze before turning to the door. But nothing happened.

Leo set down his bottle and the happiness vanished. Would they keep us here? No, they'd have cells to put us in.

Then after an eternity, we started moving again. I swigged more champagne but we weren't laughing anymore.

"I just want to say, if I don't see you guys again I love both of you so much." Izzie choked down a sob.

"I love you guys too." Leo chimed in.

I didn't even speak. I just hugged my two best friends in the entire world. We held on like we'd never let go. And maybe we wouldn't if they killed us when we arrived.

Would it really be so bad to die in the arms of the two people I loved most?

Then we stopped again. And this time it felt more final. The doors were pulled open and we were pulled out of the limo by uniformed legion guards.

I saw the Devil get out of the front and walk inside. She walked with a new confidence. And nobody got in her way as she went in through the front door.

We were pulled through a side door and into a hallway of numbered white doors. They pulled us into a room and we were ordered to change into plain gray clothes.

Izzie and Leo were pulled away one at a time. I might never see them again. But I held back my tears; I'd gotten them out in the limo.

Two heavily armed guards pulled me out of the changing room and into the hallway. They opened a door with the number 3490 on it in plain black letters.

The cell had a toilet, a sink, and a small bed. Everything was gray. I sat on the bed and the door slammed. I lay on the thin mattress and closed my eyes.

Then the screaming started.

I pressed the pillow over my ears.


Hey guys! What do you think of the kidnapping? Will Xander and his friends escape? Who's screaming and more importantly who's making them scream? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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