04 - Lunch

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lunch - /lʌn(t)ʃ/
a meal eaten in the middle of the day, typically one that is lighter or less formal than an evening meal

I opened my eyes and noticed I wasn't on the couch anymore; I was in bed. A big soft bed with silky white bedding, still wearing the clothes from last night. I was alone though, wondering where Gerald went, since the other side of the bed looked like he hasn't slept there. I got up and let my hair down, grabbing my cell from the night stand; it was 11:30am. Jesus, I don't remember the last time I slept this long. Opening the bedroom door I stepped into the living room. Nothing. He wasn't there.

"Gerald?" I said loudly, walking around the apartment. Then I heard some noises coming from the bathroom. I knocked twice until I heard an answer, didn't want to just barge in. "Ger?"

"In here." He replied.

I went back to the living room and threw myself on the couch, turning the TV on. He walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Good morning sleepy head." He said and smiled, running his fingers through his freshly washed hair. It looked pretty cute without all that product in it. I tried to be as nonchalant as possible; I knew we were still playing his game, besides, I've seen a half naked man before.

"Morning." I greeted him back. "Your bed is very comfy. How exactly did I get there?"

"Thank you." He chuckled. "I woke up at 8, you were squishing me and your hair was all up in my face so I carried you to bed before running down to the studio."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's been a while since I actually slept with someone." I said and bit my tongue immediately. It sounded so wrong.
"Oh... erm, not in a sexual way, I... didn't... ha."
I was tangled in my own words but he just smiled.

"Cute. I know what you mean though." He said.

"I better go, I have imposed too much already." I said, lifting myself up.

"Not at all, I actually had a really good time with you. It's been a while since the last time that happened." He admitted. I had a grin plastered on my face and it wasn't coming off any time soon.
"How bout I take you to lunch? I gotta run down to the shop anyway." He offered. Usually I'd think about it a bit more but I just couldn't refuse. Like it or not I had a really nice time last night as well and I didn't have anything better to do.
Oh, and I was hungry.

"Sure, I'll wait." I said and sat back down, smiling.

"Alright, be right back." He walked to his room with a smile on his face.
I couldn't believe I was sitting at some guy's living room after we fell asleep on the couch watching TV. He's a total player except he wasn't really acting like one last night and definitely not to me. I decided it's best not to overthink; I've been searching for a boyfriend many times in the past and all it brought me was immature pricks and problems. Now should be the start of a new chapter in my life where I focus on myself and stop looking for a seemingly perfect guy. If he's there, I'm sure we're eventually going to find each other.
Gerald is very sweet and I enjoy his company very much. We have a lot in common and never run out of things to talk about. I might not know him that well but he's been nothing but respectable and a real gentleman, so why the hell wouldn't I continue this hangout. I'd be crazy if I did otherwise.

"Oh, I completely forgot." He said, standing in the doorway of his bedroom. I looked up.
"Would you at least like a t-shirt or something to change into?"

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