18 - Surprise

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surprise - /səˈprʌɪz/
an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc

Gerald's Point Of View
4 months later

Days flew by fast, like seconds. Me and cutie did all sorts of things together, including a visit to San Diego for a week where all we did was lied on the beach, sipping cocktails, getting that vitamin D. It was a well deserved vacation; we both needed it.
Me and Marty made the video happen and Jayce was very satisfied with our work; the feedback was amazing and his channel gained many new subscribers.

Cutie has been working really hard, sometimes she brought it home with her or stayed at the office late but I support her every step of the way and I always will.
Since our 6 month anniversary was coming up, Marty had the idea that we could invite some of our closest friends, nothing big; celebrate at the club, get our own booth and some cupcakes. He even offered to make them and I approved because let me tell you, Marty is an expert at baking; just something he picked up from his father. His mom left them when he was 3, so his father wanted to make him feel like it's not the worst thing in the world; so he always baked him a birthday cake and they used to spend time together by trying out recipes for desserts and other baked goods.

So I made reservations and took care of the drinks; I also went shopping and bought cutie a nice little dress. I realized that in all this time that we've been together, I haven't really given her anything like that.
I was browsing through women's section, trying to find something classy but not so fancy; I know how she likes simplicity, which is great because so do I.
After 20 minutes I found a beautiful shorter dress in blue and it had long sleeves. It was a little shimmery with no cleavage but it had the whole back exposed so I thought she would like it. I know she has a few similar items at home.
I got it gift-wrapped and headed to the studio to work on our current project. Cutie had no idea that the party was happening and I was supposed to meet her at her place after work.

"Don't let anyone else know we're celebrating. I want this to be low key; don't need any other people running around our booth, it's by invitation only, okay?" I spoke to the manager of the club.

"Of course Gerry, I'll inform our two bodyguards, they'll be checking the list and dealing with others." He replied.

"Thank you so much Pauly. I'll see you tonight." I thanked him.

"See you soon. Bye!"

I hung up and closed up the studio. After I arrived at her place, I knocked on her door; surprise effect and all that.

She opened the door wrapped in a towel, her hair wet. She smiled.

"Why are you knocking?" She asked. I was holding her gift hidden behind my back.
I stepped in, smiling not saying anything.

"Well?" She asked me again. "What you got there?"
She noticed it.

I handed her the box.
"Here, open it."

Her smile was the widest I've seen in a while and she sure was surprised. She wasn't expecting it.
She carefully unwrapped it, removing the bow and opened the box.

"Oh my god!" She gasped.

"You like it?" I asked her, grinning like a fool. In that moment, there was nothing better than seeing her this happy. It was so cute, I decided that surprising her more often is a pretty neat idea.

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