29 - Commitment

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commitment - /kəˈmɪtm(ə)nt/
a pledge or undertaking

A few months later
I got a full time job at our firm and I'm so freaking excited! When my boss called me in, I thought I was in trouble or something; we had slight complications with our last big case.
So imagine my face when he congratulated me and officially welcomed me to the firm. I called my parents and they were super happy for me, and Gerald and I celebrated with dinner and a night of rolling around in bed, doing all the bad things that came to mind.
Things were going pretty amazing in general as well.

Our one year anniversary was around the corner and I was thinking about the gift, going through lists and browsing online. I didn't want to make it a big deal, you know... gifts aren't that important to me and I wasn't asking for anything in return, but I loved all the times I spent with him so I wanted to buy him something nice.
I ended up picking a leather jacket I spotted at one of the stores. They had this Johnny Cash inspired collection and I saw it there, hanging; so I thought he would love it. Another extra thingy to his gift would also be me sort of proposing to him; well... more of taking that raincheck from a few months ago when he asked me to marry him. I was thinking about it the other day and after careful consideration, I came to a conclusion - there's really nothing preventing me from becoming Gerald's wife. I wanted it, I also felt it was time, so yeah.

I was looking forward to telling him. He wanted to make reservations but I suggested something different. A little bonfire, drinks and marshmallows down at the beach in the evening. He happily complied.

Here we go.


"So, how's work?" Marty asked me while we were sitting at a local restaurant, waiting for Gerald to meet us.

"It's been going great actually. I got a tiny office, it's not much but it's a start, can't complain. How is the recording going?" I asked.

"Pretty good, we are actually doing some interviews with local radio stations, so yeah." He smiled.

"Congrats! I'm so happy for you two, you've worked so hard. How's Lana?" I winked and grinned, raising my brows.

He shyly chuckled. "We're doing good, I really really like that woman, she has so many talents and gifts... ha." He shook his head, smiling.

"That's very nice to hear, she needs someone like you in her life, after all those disappointments..." I replied.

"Yeah, she told me a bit about that. I'm really the one that's lucky for having her. It's about time." He said.

"I know what you mean; we deserve to be happy. I'm so glad I met Gerald, now I can't even imagine my life without him anymore." I explained.

"He'll do that to you, yeah. And now you don't have to worry about ex problems anymore."

"How so?"

"Haven't you heard?" He asked and I shook my head. "Melina is gone, she split."


"Travis was arrested, something drug related. She left LA after that, no one really knows where she is."

"Really? Holy shit! I was not expecting that."
I was pretty taken aback.

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