24 - Mess-up

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mess-up - /mɛs ʌp/
a muddled or mishandled situation

It all started with me rolling around in bed with Gerald, fucking like it's the last time. I didn't think it would end with him and Taylor rolling around on the floor, brawling and fighting over me.

"Stop it now!" I was yelling, hoping the neighbors won't have my head on a stick the next day for making all this ruckus. Gerald was sitting on Taylor, pinning him down. They turned over and Taylor hit him again. Gerald punched him back and I was losing my fucking mind right then and there.

"I mean it! Fucking stop!" I screamed out and pulled Gerald off Taylor.
"Get up!" I pointed a finger at him, and when he got up, I pushed him towards the table, ordering him to sit down.
Taylor was sitting on the floor, looking up at me, ashamed.

"Now, we are going to fucking talk this out like adults! I've got neighbors and we're not animals for god's sake! We're solving this like we should, not like a bunch of teenagers on drugs!" I firmly said.

Taylor lifted himself up and let out a loud sigh.
"Sit." I pulled a chair out for him and grabbed us each a glass of cold water. I went to grab some ice from the the freezer and some tissues as well.

"This cannot go on." I started.

"But I want you back..." Taylor said and was cut off by Gerald.

"Shut the fuck up, you're not getting her!" Gerald scoffed.

"Quiet! You will listen to me." I raised my eyebrow and gave Taylor the look, then glancing at Gerald. "Both of you."

I sighed.
"Taylor, I don't know when did you come up with the idea that you want me back and that I'll ever agree... it's not happening, okay?"
He was disappointed but before taking a sip of water, he nodded.
"I love Gerald, which is why you and me... never gonna happen. And I forgive you."

He lifted his gaze up to me.
"You what?"

"Yeah. Everything you did to me, forgiven. It's in the past and it's staying there." I told him.

"Okay." He replied. "Sorry I was an asshole and well... I did just want to see you and apologize."

"I know. I'm sorry I handed things the way I did. I wasn't expecting to see you again."

"Yeah, I thought so. I was a dick, I'm sorry for what I did to you." He apologized again but this time he really meant it, I could see it in his eyes; it was a sincere apology.
"And sorry for hitting you."
He said to Gerald.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. We should've acted differently." Gerald replied. I can't say I was surprised, he is pretty rational and tries to make things right even when it gets tough.

"Okay. We're all sorry, now... can we please get past this? I will always have love for you Taylor, we were engaged and even though things ended in a certain way, there were good times." I explained.

"Same goes to you. I won't bother you anymore." Taylor replied.

"And Gerald?" I looked at him. "I'm with you for a reason and if I wanted to leave you, I would a long time ago. Please don't think of him as a threat, because he's not."

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