12 - Hometown

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hometown - /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/
the town of one's birth or early life or present fixed residence

Gerald's Point Of View
I was pulling an all nighter at the studio after a long time. Whenever I get inspired I just lock myself in, write things down, make some beats, basically just think out loud. I went through all my phone recordings, to my surprise, they were some of my best ideas so far.
I recorded a few songs myself but I haven't shown them to anybody, I'm very critical when it comes to my work, especially if I do it for myself. Working with another person is pretty easy; they point you in a certain direction and help you, tell you what needs to be fixed and it's done. If they love the song, you love it too. But when it comes to me, it's almost never good enough.
Past few weeks have been good, great as a matter of fact. Me and cutie have been spending some nights at my place, some at hers. We hung out together with Marty and Lana, ended up having a really fun time.

The other day my mom called me, asked me when I'm coming to visit her, saying she misses me. She's been asking me that ever since I moved out. The truth is I'd love to visit her more often but me and my brother, we don't get along very well. Last time I was visiting we got into a huge fight because of him selling weed from home. I told him that I don't want those people around mom or the house but he refused to be civil and talk it out; he yelled at me and blamed me for dad's death instead. Since then, I've seen mom on my computer screen more than in person. We Skype, text and exchange pictures but I miss her, I want to see her.
The idea of me bringing Ashley Diana home with me has been rolling around my head for a while now. I love her and she gets me, which is why I would love for my mother to meet her as well. I heard a knock on the door at about 2am. I went to see who it was; opened the door and saw her standing there, holding a bag from in'n'out.
I grinned.

"Hungry?" She said with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Always." I joked and let her in.

"I hope I'm not disturbing your inspiration train." She said. We took a seat at the desk.

"Nah, you could never disturb me. Come here." I leaned in and pressed a kiss on the lips. She smiled and pinched my cheek gently.

"Ah, you're so cute!" She said.

"I'm pretty sure that's you." I replied.
After finishing our food, she was sipping her vanilla shake and I decided to invite her to Oakland with me.

"So I talked to my mom earlier this week and she asked me when I'm coming up to visit her..." I started off.

"To Oakland?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking next weekend." I said.

"Okay, how long will you be gone?" She wanted to know.

"Just for the weekend but I want you to come with me."
Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really? You want me to meet your mom?" Her mouth widened in a smile.

"Yeah, I do. I've been thinking about it and I decided that she must see how cute you are." I chuckled.

"Awh Ger, that is the sweetest thing. I'd love to come with you to Oakland." She said.

"Great! I just have to tell you something..." I was slowly breaking the whole me and my brother thing in.

"I'm listening." She said.

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