Chapter Twenty One

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Hey, guys, I'm back.

I'm feeling a lot better and more myself after my terrible and upsetting loss. It has defiantly knocked me down and broke my heart but I've recovered and ready to start living my life again. I will never forget my angel, and in my heart I know I will have another chance one day, but like they say, you move on but you never forget. I cannot thank you all enough for all the support you have given me, whether it'll be through messages or comments it truly means a lot and just shows who really cares. My partner and I are on the mend but the loss of our angel will forever hurt us. Once again, thank you from the bottom of mine and my partner's hearts <3


I didn't sleep at all that night so when my clock hit half past four in the morning, I cursed and sat up debating life. Peeves, the poltergeist flew into the dormitory, looking for someone to bug, and when his eyes landed on me, I glared at him. 

"Don't even think about it," I whispered. "Go bug one of the boys"

He chuckled and flew back out. I laid back down trying to get some sleep, but it was very difficult since I was wide awake. The roaring wind outside and the rumbling thunder made it even harder, not to mention the distant creaking of the trees in the Forbidden Forest. Sleep just doesn't want to happen tonight. In a few hours, I would be out on the Quidditch pitch, battling through that gale. Fun. Finally, I gave up any thought of sleep, got up, dressed, picked up my Nimbus Two Thousand and quietly walked out of the dormitory.

As I opened the door, something brushed against my leg. I bent down just in time to grab Crookshanks by the end of his bushy tail and drag him outside. 

"I don't think so!" I whispered to Crookshanks. "Leave Scabbers alone. I reckon Ron is right about you. There are plenty of mice around the place, go and chase them." I added nudging Crookshanks down the spiral staircase.

I watched Crookshanks sulk down the staircase and sighed, closing the door to the dormitory behind me. It was when I shut the door, I heard a scream and a 'get off!' come from downstairs in the Common Room. Confused, I rushed down the staircase to see what had happened. 

The noise of the storm was even louder in the Common Room. I knew better than to think that the match would be cancelled; Quidditch matches weren't called off for trifles such as thunderstorms. I would most likely be blown off my broom and in the Hospital Wing for weeks to come. 

But that's not what caused me to freeze in my spot. 

It was Harry. From the way it looked, it looked like he was sitting in one of the armchairs near the fire when Crookshanks came down and tackled him making the chair tip over and fall backwards. Crookshanks was sat on top of Harry like he had caught the biggest prize ever whilst Harry was struggling underneath him.

"Get off me, you beast!" I heard Harry moan. 

I rushed towards the scene and grabbed Crookshanks off of Harry. 

"Are you okay?" I asked

He rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, brilliant. Can you help me up?"

"Oh, sure"

I grabbed his hand - trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach - and pulled him to his feet which took a few attempts. When he was on his feet, he helped me put the chair back into its position before he sat back down and I sat across him on the other chair. Awkwardness fell between us both and I didn't dare look at him, the fire looked interesting.

"Thanks," Harry mumbled. 

I looked at him. "You're welcome"


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