Chapter Twenty Two

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"Lucky the ground was so soft"

"I thought he was dead for sure,"

"Don't be saying that!" I hissed.

"But he didn't even break his glasses" 

I looked down at the bruised unconscious Harry on the hospital bed. The Match immediately stopped as soon as he fell off his broom and everyone started to crowd around him. People came off the stands to have a closer look at him lying on the ground like he was some object in a museum. It angered me a lot. It was even worse when we had him rushed off to the Hospital Wing, people stared more. 

"That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life," I whispered.

And it was. Seeing Harry fall off his broom...hit the ground...not waking up...

Suddenly, Harry's eyes snapped open. I sighed in relief. He looked around at us, and by us, I mean the Gryffindor team; we must have been a sight to see spattered in mud and wet from the rain. Ron and Hermione were also here, looking just as wet as the rest of us. At least they weren't covered in mud. 

"Harry!" I said, smiling. "How're you feeling?"

Harry looked to be having memories from the match before he answered. 

"What happened?" he asked, sitting up so suddenly making us all gasp. I swear he likes making my heart fall out of my chest. 

"You feel off," Fred told him. "Must've been - what - fifty feet?"

"We thought you'd died," Alicia said, shaking. 

I made a small, squeaky noise. Hermione grabbed my arm and I saw that her eyes were bloodshot. I'm guessing mine looked the same. The thought of Harry dying... 

"But the match," Harry said. "What happened? Are we having a reply?"

No one said anything. Harry seemed to understand. 

"We didn't - lose?"

"Diggory got the Snitch," I told him sadly. "Just after you fell. He didn't realise what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a re-match. But they won fair and square...even Wood admits it"

"Where is Wood?" Harry asked like he realised Wood wasn't here.

"Still in the showers," George said. "We think he's trying to drown himself"

Harry put his face to his knees, his hands gripping his hair. Fred grabbed his shoulder and shook it roughly. I glared at him.

"C'mon Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before."

"There had to be one time you didn't get it," George said. 

"It's not over yet," Fred told him. "We lost by a hundred points, right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin..."

"Hufflepuff'll have to lose by at least two hundred points," George said. 

"But if they beat Ravenclaw..."

"No way, Ravenclaw are too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff..."

"It all depends on the points - a margin of a hundred either way-"

Harry lay there, not saying a word. I could tell he was blaming himself for losing the Match. It made me feel bad. 

I gently touched his shoulder. "It's not your fault. Stuff like this happens"

He smiled softly but said nothing. After ten minutes or so, Madam Pomfrey came over to tell us to leave him in peace. 

"We'll come and see you later," Fred told him. "Don't beat yourself up, Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had."

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