Where I've been...

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Hey guys, it's me...your author...

I think it's time I explained myself and tell you guys where I've been. Though I've been absent for a couple of months, the support you have all given me and the fact you continue to love and read this story even though I haven't updated is amazing! I cannot thank you all enough for what you are doing for me. You guys are the reason why my dream is coming true. 

Anyway, these past months have been crazy! You remember my ex right? The one who basically tore a barrier between me and my family and caused us to fall out? Anyway, he's been trying to get back into my life. He somehow has my new number and keeps ringing me at stupid hours constantly on a private number and leaving voicemails so I know it's him. He's been saying things like 'we need to talk' and 'if you still want to be together answer the phone'. Which is strange, we haven't been together for months and he was the one who ended it so why he's being like that I'll never know. He's also been trying to split me and my current boyfriend of nearly a month up. I have a theory though, I think he's being like that because I'm with the guy who I said he didn't have to worry about and I'm happy. Me and my boyfriend never intended to get together, we've always been close ever since college, but it sorta happened and I'm glad it did because I'm really happy with him. Anyway, ever since getting with him, my ex has been going round saying I'm cheating on my boyfriend with him, I'm apparently pregnant with his baby and because that didn't work, he's then being saying that my boyfriend is cheating on me but the night he apparently cheated on me, he was laid next to me asleep.

It's got to the point where the police are involved cos its harassment and I'm having to change my number. It's lucky that my boyfriend (who dos MMA fighting) hasn't gotten his hands on him...he'll kill him that's for sure.

In other news, I've had a falling out with a friend of seven years because I played her at her own game. She got a boyfriend and spends every day with him and hardly speaks to me but as soon as I get one and start doing the same and stop making the effort with her, she didn't like it and tried ruining my happiness. She's another jealous one cos she wants to get in my boyfriends pants...

So yeah, I'm beyond stressed at the minute and I'm sorry about the updates. I'll try and update more often I promise!


My angel baby would be two months old today :( Mummy loves and misses you loads baby <3 

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