1.4 - first day .•☆

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"Intense right? You'll easily pick up on the regulars, the trouble makers and the hypochondriacs."

- Tessa


I tuck my white blouse into my skirt, taking a slow deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror. You can do this, Aubree. Prove everyone wrong. Prove yourself right.

The res a gentle tap on the door and dad peaks in. "Leaving in 2... you look beautiful sweetheart." He smiles and I blush as he closes the door again. I slip my black dollyshoes on and grab my bag, heading downstairs.

I giggle as dad holds out a travel mug for me. "What's this?"

"We match." He smirks. "Are you taking lunch?"

"No I'll buy something during my break." I smile.

"Make sure you eat. Let's go." He heads to the car.

"Good luck dragon!" The twins call.

"Thanks shitheads!" I roll my eyes. Bae and I still aren't exactly speaking but today will be a good day. It will.

Dad taps the wheel as he drives to the hospital, both of us quiet. As he parks in his space he looks over at me, his eyes soft. "I am so proud of you, Aubree Delilah." He smiles.

"Daddd." I blush. "I haven't even finished my trial period. I haven't even started it!"

He laughs and kisses my head. "You'll ace it, okay? I'll come by whenever I can to check how you are."

"No you won't, how humiliating?" I roll my eyes and climb out. He climbs out too and sighs as I walk ahead, not wanting people to think I'm only here because of him.

"You must be Aubree?" The woman at reception smiles as she puts her coat on the hook.

I smile. "I am... Tessa, right?"

She nods; she's a youngish woman, about late 20s, with red hair worn in a braid and very conservative clothing. "That's me! You have no idea how relieved I am to see you, I've been snowed under with the amount of work I got. It's like I need 10 pairs of hands and I need to be in 100 different places at once."

I smile and hang my jacket up. "Well, I'm here and I'm ready to be snowed under too."

She laughs lightly and shows me the ropes, logging me into my computer and showing me the basics; she shows me how to do the paperwork, register a patient's file and how to use the phones. Around 8am, 2 hours after I started, it begins to pick up as the ER opens.

Tessa smirks at me. "And so the circus begins!"


Just after midday the rush quietens down and I exhale as I sit back in my chair, spinning to look at Tessa who's smirking. "Wow."

"Intense right? You'll easily pick up on the regulars, the trouble makers and the hypochondriacs." She giggles.

"That's insane. This happens everyday?" I ask a little shocked.

She nods. "For a small town, we sure do have a hectic hospital; sometimes you'll find people from surrounding towns coming here to get treatment for various reasons, too."

I shake my head and organise my half of the desk while I have a moment. "Now there's a familiar face."

I look up and smile when I see Carlisle. "Good afternoon, doctor Cullen."

He leans on the desk smiling. "How's your first day been so far?"

"It's been... Well, I didn't expect it, let's just say that." I laugh and shake my head.

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