3.9 | truth and lies |

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I stare at dad shocked for a moment. "What are you talking about...?"

He sighs and his face looks pained. "I was the reason your mom left. I was a nice person, I did things I regret..."

"What did you do?" I whisper.

He sighs. "Sit-"

"I'm fine standing." I snap as I fold my arms over my chest as best I can.

"- fine." He sighs. "I... I cheated on your mom and I made her leave because of it."

I'm stunned to silence. "You... pig!"

"Aubree c'mon. Let me explain." He tries to reason, his face desperate.

"You're disgusting! You're worse than her for actually leaving!" I yell.

"Aubree, enough!" Pipper hisses as she rushes outside and steps between us. "The boys can hear every word you are both saying right now!"

"You really want to marry thst pig!?" I stare at her. "Did you know?"

"I did... but he's not the same." She says softly, rubbing dad's back.

I scoff. "Once a cheater always a cheater, right?"

"Shut up Aubree!" Bailey snaps as he comes out. "Right now, I just want to hear the trust for once. No more fucking lies!"

"Let's all go inside and I'll make some coffee - Aubree, go cool off and put the girls down." Pipper orders.

I storm past them all and pick Kinley up, then Millie. I carry them to the nursery and close the door, leaning against it as I tear. Hold it Aubree. My subconscious growls. I sniff and take the girls to the crib, laying Mil one side and Kin the other, tucking the blanket over them both. They both suck their paci's almost asleep. I turn the lights off and put the little projector night light on, sitting in the armchair watching them to calm me.

The door creaks open a little and Pipper comes in, gently closing it begins her. "Are you calm?" She whispers.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "No. Far from it."

"Tough shit. You're going to go in there and listen to what your father has to say - yes, he was a pig, I said exactly the same thing to him when he told me. But he has spent every minute since that day regretting it and trying to make sure you kids have had a good life. So what, Cooper and Bailey are spoilt, they're good kids and so are you. All because of him."

"He's also the reason we spent our lives wondering what we did to make our mom leave." I hiss.

"I know... but please, let him explain."

"I'll be out when I'm ready."


"When. I'm. Ready." I glare.

Pipper exhales slowly, her jaw clenched, as she heads out of the room. I lean my head back closing my eyes, rubbung my temples as they throb. This has been such an intense day. First talking to Amelia, then dad admitting this. While on the thought of Amelia I grab my phone and decide to text her.

Hey... so I just found out about something. I need you to tell me what really happened the day you left.

What do you mean honey? What's happened, is everything okay?

Did dad really cheat? Did he really make you leave?

There's a moment before she replies and I realise what she's about to say.

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