I'm trying to write this and war dragons notifications are popping up on the top of my screen
"Your fortress NaDraak is very low on HP! Go beef up its walls with barricades before its too late!" is literally what it says
It's basically where teams are in an event called King of the Hill and you conquer fortresses to get victory points (VP) that count as your team rank in the event
And people will try to- //another notification pops up
//notification pops up another time
And people will try to conquer your fortresses because the longer you have them under your control the higher the VP bounty goes
Unfortunately and fortunately at the same time, this is the last time the event will happen
I'm assuming not a lot of people like the event anymore
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Heck NaDraak isn't even that low there's still like 5.5k health left the heck you talking about
There's the map
There's more above the screenshot I just took but we don't own any fortresses up there
And they're pretty big
So um
Gah why did I waste 233 words ranting about this event lmao
This isn't even the real reason why I'm typing this chapter
I should cut this off with hyphens and actually type what I was going to in the first place
So um
I've been thinking about a "Create a Tiedan" contest recently and I wanna know what you guys think?
Like, I even made a little reference for you guys to download and use if you wanted to create one
Because uh
In DoS I'm planning for some sht to go down and it kinda involves other Tiedans but I don't have the creativity to create a whole group of them
So uh
I'm probably going to take this chapter down once I know and make a decision, including the random rant I made up there
What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments :)
Meanwhile I'm debating on //trying// on falling asleep or working on another chapter of DoS