My phone is slowly but surely losing battery

9 0 0

It was like 15% twenty seconds ago now it's 13%


On Friday (aka yesterday) there were two field trips going on so school was deader than dead

And I doodled some things on my school laptop even though it's trash

And I doodled some things on my school laptop even though it's trash

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I doodled this (sorry there's no signature)

I doodled this (sorry there's no signature)

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Those last two were clipart things that I forgot existed on sketch

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Those last two were clipart things that I forgot existed on

They were originally black and white but I colored them

I didn't finish the white cat but I finished it on my computer

So uh


Now my battery is 11% what the heck

I'm gonna go get a charger

Ignite's Igneous Inscriptions |Art Book #7|Where stories live. Discover now