flap flap

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Lined Indigo and Spiritwatcher

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Lined Indigo and Spiritwatcher


Meanwhile in Sky Kingdoms I got hit.


Basically all of my troops were massacred

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Basically all of my troops were massacred. Rip my meat shield

There's this guy who has like 75 million power and he can kill 2.5 million t1 troops. He's the guy that hit me

And according to my team, he's an 8 year old who has his dad's endless credit card 

I was able to heal some of my troops, got 150k of it back (I had like 800k troop power), but still, that was a pretty hard hit. I'm glad he didn't kill any t5 (all of the ones killed above were t1-4)

So uh


I should probably go back to doing a biology assignment I have no idea how to do :')

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