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Decided to line and color this sketch
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And I also lined and colored Skull too
The colors look really good on sketch paper, honestly I thought sketch paper was meant for pencil, pen, and colored pencil.
Definitely hanging these up too with Cobra
And one last thing-
I'm not sure if this is good or bad (probably bad), but
One of my teachers got fired. I'm not exactly sure of what the story was, since I've heard two of them and I'm not sure which one I should believe.
The first one, I've heard that he posted pornography or pictures of minors on his instagram account
And the second one, which is the one I believe more, I've heard that he was posting pictures of guns, or promoting guns, or following people who post or promote guns on instagram.
Ain't sure what he was actually doing, but I believe the second one more (because honestly the first one doesn't sound like something he'd do).
So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing in that class, we've been doing a project for the past few weeks. I've been playing solitaire pretty much the whole time, but still, should I still do the project?
I'm just so confused honestly, I saw him the day he got fired and when I came to his class a substitute teacher was there instead of him. This change basically hit me blindsided.