wow im actually being productive for once in my life

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My cat is being weird

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My cat is being weird



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We were in a guild war the other day (we won!)

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We were in a guild war the other day (we won!)

We were up against a guild we were friends with, so we made a heart out of our castles for them

Part of the guild war was also live streamed by a member of the other team!

Look up "Melt" on YouTube, his name on YT is just "Melt" and nothing else added to it if you see anything else pop up. I know there is someone with "melt" in the name, it looks like they make songs (from the videos I've seen pop up), but that's not him.


I can probably put the video here

I'm not sure if it will load for you guys (it's not loading for me), but that is what the cover of the video looks like


I stg she looks like Waldo with that ugly Christmas sweater

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I stg she looks like Waldo with that ugly Christmas sweater

But uh


I finally finished this

I kinda don't like what colors I used for her axe but on my hand the colors looked lighter than what they actually were

I definitely don't like that blue tho (it looks blue to me, I don't see how people can say it's green, like, it's not green wtf)

And I'm not color blind either so I still don't see how it's green when it obviously isn't

So uh


There's some actual art for ya (y'know, the actual point of this book)

Ignite's Igneous Inscriptions |Art Book #7|Where stories live. Discover now