Like, one, why am I excited for a parade that my band has to participate in tomorrow?
Do I like torturing myself?
The shoes we have to wear leave the back of my feet with an open wound when we finish marching
Our uniforms are so thick that they make me feel like a penguin
The overlay chokes me
The only good thing about the uniforms is the fact that they have an inside pocket for your phone and stuff
And that's just the top (the tuxedo looking thing that is under the overlay)
The pants? They don't even have front pockets. The spots where there are supposed to be are just holes.
Ah heck it
There are other questions too
Like, why does have to be a butthole and "freeze" when I almost finish a drawing.
Aka the Umbra one
It doesn't actually freeze, it just won't notice that I am clicking on things. It will notice that I am hovering over buttons, but it doesn't think I am clicking on them even though I am pressing the mouse as hard as I can.
I almost finished flat coloring, and it decided to freeze. When it freezes, I have to refresh.
Most of the time it will save my progress, but this time it didn't.
Now, it's just a blank document.
Now I have to start coloring all over again.
At least it let me save the lineart.
But still, I'm a little disappointed. used to be a really reliable website but now I have to basically save everything that I do before I close the page.
And another question
Why does my neck hate me?
Ok, so I woke up to my mom banging on the door as per usual, and I move just a tiny little bit.
My neck,
Decides to be a butthole too.
My neck decides to greet me "GOOD MORNING" (screeches) by pulling a muscle in said neck
And I'm still dying from that moment.
It is now-
//checks nonexistent watch
11:10 pm
That's over 12 hours of suffering
Heck me.
And the last question,
Why did I waste a chapter to rant?
Because 1, I haven't posted in a while
And 2, because I have nothing better to post than my suffering
I do have a little update about the homework I have been drowning in
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This happened!
We'd = weed
Good job, chromebook.
You sure know your words, don't ya.
Oh, and have this little update on that T posing Allison
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I did finish flat coloring and then began to shade, but then I got bored so I started the Umbra one.
I forgot to take a picture of both the finished Allison and the Umbra lineart.