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Honestly I tried using watercolor
But the tail bled into a shoe and the axe was a complete mess and the tail diamond...
Imma just stop now
Moving on
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Got three orange porcelain things in a row from one chest oof
But you only need one of each color and I already had an orange one :')
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I got a porcelain dragon
I got all ten mostly from buying extra plays
I spent almost 300 gems buying those dang extra plays
But it was worth it.
Now to get the corrupticorn and wrath dragons
I just got the ghostly fire dragon today, you just have to buy that decoration thing for 5500, and then you find a fire dragon of any age, and you can evolve it for 500 candy. I'm glad you don't have to get ten decorations for that one.
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I found where the asbestos sign went
So my school is currently being remodeled a little bit and apparently they found asbestos, so they sectioned that area off and worked to remove it
I'm not sure if it's gone, or someone vandalized it, but it was cut out of its place and somehow ended up outside
And that's where I found it.
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I was too lazy to crop but as you can see I have 666 candy in my progress bar thing
And finally
What this book was made for
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Those paws look bad but whatever, I'm just bad at paws
It's supposed to be a fennec fox with brown "highlights"
I kinda referenced them off of this
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Not a lot of referencing, but the face structure, tail, legs, that kind of stuff
And uh
I was debating on either keeping them or making them an adoptable (an OTA or something)
I'm probably not gonna do a DTA if I decide to make them an adoptable, when I did them for other characters I never got any entries except like one
I might make them an OTA, so you have other ways of getting them instead of just art
I would take art, DA points, book shoutouts, custom species character, etc.
I don't have a Flight rising account right now, but I might decide to get one in the future, and then I'll offer treasure, gems, and dragons as a form of payment.