Chapter 9: Cloudy skies above

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I wake up cocooned in what can only be described as the worlds softest and fluffiest duvet. I look behind me hoping to see a sleeping Cesar, but the space next to me is empty, as is Liv's bed. As if on cue, she walks out of the bathroom, wearing one of the Lodge's dressing gowns and her hair wrapped up perfectly in a towel.

"Oh hey, you're up" she smiles, as she sits on the end of her bed and begins to moisturize her legs. I look at the alarm clock next to me and am surprised to see it read 4:38 am "how come you're up so early?" I yawn as I stretch and sit up in the bed "well I know your internal alarm goes off at 5 am, and I wasn't sure if we were going to have a repeat of last night. So I decided to get up a little earlier than usual and have a shower, which can I add is the best shower I have ever had, the water pressure is aa-maa-zing!"

She walks over to the wardrobe and starts looking through the rail and I notice that Liv has hung up all our clothes and packed our cases away, she never ceases to amaze me how she can get things done. "So how are you feeling?" She asks as she pulls two different jumpers out "I'm okay, a good nights sleep always help" I look ok back at her and she's already dressed!! "Well I guess it can't hurt falling asleep in big strong arms" she mocks "you two did look very cute together, and Cesar didn't want to move you because you were so comfortable and peaceful, so he sat in the bathroom with you for about 15 mins" she sits at the dressing table brush her damp hair "well until Jamal started going off on how he had listened to a podcast about why we should always wear shower shoes in the bathroom, so Cesar carried you to bed...and I must say" she turns to look at me "you have it very well trained" I look at her confusingly "what do you mean well trained??" she gives me a slightly smug look "oh you know, putting you to bed, wiping your make-up off, removing your jeans because he knows you hate sleeping in them, but then I guess he's had years of practice put you to bed, with you being shuch a lightweight" she says mockingly"I am not a lightweight, and may I point out that I can handle much more liquor than Ruby" she rolls her eyes and goes back to putting on her makeup, I look under the duvet to see my bare legs and smile to myself thinking of how Cesar use to take care of me;


"hey there sleepy head"

"hey...what are you doing here?"

"I rescheduled my session Mr Gardener, and came right over to look after my girl"

"aww thank you baby, but you'll get sick too"

"you're worth it, plus I'm pretty sure you're not contagious!"

"oh so what you're saying that if I was contagious you wouldn't be here"

"of course I would and I would also do this"

"you're lucky that your a good kisser "


"I'm also a very loving boyfriend who has got you some of abuelita's magical get better tea and her chicken soup that you like so much"

"the one with the little dumplings?"

"yes the one with the little dumplings, aannnnd I have every episode of Empire on my laptop"

"You always take such good care of me"

"I will always take care you... I love you, you know!"

" I know, now pass me that soup and let's get our Cookie and Lucious on"


my happy memory of how we use to be in interrupted by the ever punctual morning wave. I jump out of bed and rush to the toilet "Okay I know I shouldn't be impressed by your internal body clock, but I am - 5 am on the dot every day!" I hear Olivia shout from the bedroom.

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