Chapter 39: Moves

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It's 7 pm on a Saturday, and I'm sitting cross-legged on the couch in the student lounge with Liv. We've have spent most of the day getting things ready to sell tickets for prom on Monday at school. Liv is not only student president, head of the student council but also the prom chair. And as I'm her best friend, I automatically get roped into helping her.

"Baby the banners are all up, the lights are in place, did you want the speakers to go up now too?" Ruby asks as he walks into the lounge with Jamal.

"Yea, if you don't mind, I want there to be a such a demand for tickets, that the queue goes all the way out to the football field!" She says with such flare, Ruby smiles at her proudly and leaves to put up the speakers with Jamal. Liv has spent months planning the prom, which is an Arabian Nights theme. With Ruby helping her and steering the decorating side, this is set to be the most glamorous prom Freeridge High has ever seen. The posters have a cool holographic element to them, and the banners are so elaborate and have twinkling lights on them, they honestly all belong in a Disney theme park. Ruby has also organised mini speakers to be put around the school to play subtle Arabian theme music, which makes you feel like you're in Aladdin. And because neither Liv or Ruby ever do things by halves, they arranged to have the student lounge transformed into an Arabian style tent.

"What do you think Mon? Is it too much?" Liv asks as she looks around at the tent. "No, this is really cool, and I know you can't wait to see everyone's faces on Monday!" I reply adjusting my sitting position on the bean bag as one of the twins move. "You're right I cannot wait to see their jaws hit the floor. You okay Mon?" She looks at me worryingly, as I rub my bump, "I'm fine, one of them is just wriggling about," her looks softens and she comes to sit on the couch next to me. "Does it feel weird?" "Yes and no. Now that their movements are stronger it took a while getting used to, but I don't mind it now." She smiles sweetly at me and then looks around at the decor, "I really wish you would let me throw you a baby shower! Ruby and I would through you such a spectacular one," she pouts because, for the last few weeks, she has been nagging Cesar and me to allow her to organise a baby shower. "The answer is still no Liv, I want to have as little fuss and attention before these two are born. But how about you help me organise their christening and their 1st birthday. You know how useless I am at party planning, Cesar's toga party only happened because you and Ruby helped me. So do we have a deal?" I hold out my pinky to her, "as long as I'm Godmother to both, we have a deal," I nod and smile at her and she interlocks her pinky with mine and pulls me into a hug.

We finally leave the school around 8:30 pm and I'm honestly exhausted from all the setting up, "Dinner at mine tomorrow Mon?" Ruby asks as he pulls up outside my house, "sure, but let me check that Cesar doesn't have anything planned. Plus it's about time I come clean to your mum about these two," I point towards my stomach. "True, but you know you have nothing to worry about. My mum loves you like her own daughter, sometimes I feel she loves you more than me!" "Well she does..." I reply as I get out of the car, "Thanks Mon, that really does wonders for my self-esteem," he says sarcastically. I say goodnight to them and head inside my house.

Cesar was working late at H & P on a special architect project, and my dad had left earlier in the day for another long haul trip. So I took advantage of being home alone, had a relaxing bubble bath, the twins automatically stop wriggling around as soon as I get in the bath, I'm sure that being in the water calms them as it does me. After 30 minutes of bliss in the bath, I get out and put on a pair of Cesar's sweatpants and a black vest top. I catch my reflection in my mirror and take in my small neat bump, which has grown loads in the last two weeks. It really won't be long before I can't hide it from everyone, but I put that thought in the back of my mind and focus on the positive fact that my bump getting bigger means that the twins are getting bigger and on the right path of being healthy and hopefully not premature. My stomach grumbles, signalling my hunger, but I'm in no mood to cook, so I order Thai, getting some of Cesar's favourite dishes for him to eat when he gets in. I put on the TV and get comfortable on the sofa, 10 minutes later I hear the front door close, "Mon are you home?" Cesar calls from the hallway, "I'm in here," I reply as Cesar walks into the room. "Hey beautiful," Cesar says with a smile, "Hey you, how was your day?" I ask as I watch him take off his tie and unbuttons a few buttons on the top of his shirt. "Long, but productive. We're really making headway with the Fairfax development. How was the pre-prom setup?" He asks as he unbuttons the cuff of his shirt, kissing my forehead and sitting next to me on the sofa. "Flawless! You know what Rubes and Liv are like." "OTT !?!" He smirks, "true but I have to admit they have done a great job, and everything looks amazing!" I tell him. "Good just as long as you didn't overdo it," he gives me a warning look, "I promise I didn't," I say sweetly.

After eating our Thai, and watching an episode of Power, Cesar and I decide to go to bed. He is spooning me and his hand draped lazily on my bump when the twins start to move and kick, Cesar's pulls his hand away from my stomach and sits up in a bolt. "What's wrong?" I quiz him, trying to read the shocked look on his face. "Was that...did you...I'm sure I just...but maybe it wasn't..." he rambles quickly, "What Cesar, you're not making any sense," I ask sitting up. "The twins...they moved, did they just move?" He asks cautiously, "yes. Oh my god! Did you feel them!?" I ask with a big smile on my face, "yeah, well I think I did," the twins move again and I grab his hand and put it over where I feel the movement. I watch as the sweetest smile appears on his face, "I can feel that I can feel them move Mon. That's our babies...we did this, we made them" he says softly and looks up at me. I smile at him as I lay back down and Cesar lays on his side, rubbing and looking at my bump. The twins move again, I watch as Cesar's face lights up again at their movement. I drift off to asleep to Cesar's low voice talking to my bump.

I wake up to the alarm on my phone ringing. I turn it off and look at the time, 8 am. "You going swimming this morning?" Cesar asks in a sleepy tone, his face buried in the back of my neck, his hand on my bump. I love nothing more than waking up in his arms, feeling his shallow sleeping breathing on the back of my neck, how he likes to pull me as close to him as possible. "No not today," I tell him as I snuggle more into his embrace. "How come Badge?" He asks, "I'm just not feeling up to it," he turns me over so that I'm facing him, "you, not feeling up for swimming. What's wrong and don't say anything, because this is the third week you've dodged swimming, and that's not like you Mon. So tell me what's wrong." He's sleepy but gorgeous eyes scan me with an air of worry. "I'm showing more now and I can't hind my bump in my swimsuit. And I know that at some point soon I'll have to overcome the fact that I won't be able to hide my bump anymore and everyone will be looking. But I just don't want that at the pool." I tell him, as I play with his chain, he lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him. "Why don't you go use Jamal's pool instead?" He suggests, "That would mean I would have to tell Dwayne and Karen!" "So! They are going to have to find out at some point, you're 21 weeks now and wouldn't you rather tell them face to face, then them finding out through gossip or catching a glimpse at your bump?" He hits back, and he's right, I would rather tell them myself and I know I should. I was going to tell Ruby's mum Geny today at dinner, it makes sense confessing my pregnancy to the adults I consider as my surrogate parents. "Ugh fine I'll tell them, but you'll telling them with me!" I tell him and he smirks sleepily, "I'll be right by your side. So are you going to go swimming or not?" I shake my head in response "No I would rather stay in bed curled up with you if that's okay?" He smiles and cuddles me, kissing the top of my head "that is and will always be okay."


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