Chapter 41: Lifeline

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After finding out that Oscar had been attacked, Cesar went into auto-pilot. He ordered Carlos to get washed up and gave him some of his clothes to wear. He spoke on the phone to numerous people, while making sure all the doors and windows in the house were locked before we all got into the waiting car and headed to the hospital. Cesar wasn't acting how I had expected, he was much calmer and focused, but he must have terrified! How could he not be, his brother had just been stabbed! Carlos told us that he, Oscar and apparently Oscar's girlfriend were at a bar which Carlos's friend Lucia works as a waitress. Some guy started to bother Lucia and then punched Carlos when he tried to defend her. Oscar got involved and dealt with the guy, but when they left the bar and were in the carpark the guy came back with his friends, some of whom Carlos was sure were Prophet gang members, then they all started with Oscar again. There was a scuffle and someone had a knife and Oscar got stabbed, then the gang ran off. Carlos tried to help, but Oscar demanded that Carlos made sure Cesar was safe and his girlfriend seems to have it under control. The last news that Carlos had from Lucia was that Oscar was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Cesar stays silent during the drive to the hospital, as Carlos retold what had happened. "He's going to be okay Ces! You know that Oz is strong. Plus with his doctor girlfriend, she'll have him patched up and back to normal in no time!" Carlos tries to sound convincing, but his voice quivers now and then. I know that they're both worried about him, I am too! As much as I have disagreed with some of Oscar's actions and decisions, over the years, I've really gotten to know him better and have seen a different, and softer side to him. The car pulls up outside the hospital, and we all walk quietly into the hospital lobby and I start to recognise the layout and decor of my surroundings, "wait we're at Kecks!" I comment. "Yeah, Oscar's girlfriend is a doctor here, she instructed the ambulance to bring him," Carlos tells us, and I can't help but think what are the odds that his girlfriend works in the same hospital I attend. I reach for Cesar's hand and he pulls it away, then heads towards the front desk to speak to the receptionist. I try to ignore the sting of his rejection, given the circumstances, I know he's worried and hurting, and if he had it his way I probably wouldn't be here with him now, I'd be as far away from this all as he could get me.

We head to the 10th floor and are directed to the relative's room, to await more information about Oscar. I sit quietly on the couch, while Cesar paces the room back and forth, texting away furiously. Both of the twins start to move at the same time, causing me discomfort in my back. "You alright Monsé?" Carlos questions as I shift on the couch to try and get into a more comfortable position. "Mmm yeah, they're just making their presence known. I'm fine really, I just feel it more the bigger they get." Carlos stares at me unconvinced, but his attention is quickly diverted when the door of the waiting room opens.

"Dr Michaels? What are you doing here?" Cesar asks, "Soraya how is Oscar?" Carlos blurts out and rushes to her. Cesar looks at me and is as confused as I am. "He's stable, the operation went well and he's asleep in recovery at the moment, but he's going to be okay. You can go see him in an hour," she says as confidently as she can, but you can tell she's trying to put on a brave face. Her eye make-up is smudged and it's obvious that she's been crying, her hair is down in loose curls and she's wearing a Keck's zipped hoodie over her dress. She must have been wearing heels, but she's now wearing blue crocs. Carlos hugs her tightly after hearing the news, and I feel less tense hearing that Oscar is going to be okay, but I'm still confused as to why she's here and how Carlos knows her. "Sorry, but can one of you please explain what's going on!" Cesar says firmly, but clearly as confused as I am.

Dr Michaels opens her mouth to speak, but Carlos gets in there before her, "this is Soraya, Oscar's girlfriend, the doctor I was telling you about. She was out with us tonight, and man you should have seen her kick into doctor mode. She's the reason he's still alive!" I stare in disbelief to what has just been revealed, my doctor and Oscar were together. Cesar sits on the couch next to me and runs his hands through his hair. "But you're Mon's doctor, isn't there a rule or something that you're breaking?!" Cesar questions her. "No, no we're not, he's not my patient. Look, Cesar, Monsé...I'm sorry. We should have told you, I just wanted to be sure the feelings were real before saying anything," she sits in the chair opposite us. "How long have you two been together ?" I ask her, still in disbelief that this was actually happening, "not long, a few weeks." Our conversation is interrupted by the door opening again, and in walks, 10 men, who I quickly realise are Santos gang members. I recognise Chico, Crazy-Eyes, Juan and Cesar's other cousin Julian, but not the others. Cesar made a point of keeping out the gang world, I only know the others because they're either family or Oscar's close friends, and were always over at the house. Cesar gets up from the couch and greets them all, as does Carlos who becomes very macho all of a sudden. "How is he?" Julian asks out loud, "stable, he's in recovery at the moment, they'll let us go see him in a bit," Cesar tells them.

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