Chapter 27: From The Other Side (Part 2)

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After a very difficult conversation with Monsé's dad, who expectedly shouted at me for impregnating his baby girl. I told him about the shocking news of the twins, and maybe it was the nervous panic in my voice that calmed him down somewhat. I also told him what Dr Michaels said about Monsé having to stay a few days in the hospital, getting the vitamins and nutrients that she and the babies needed. He demanded that I don't leave her side until he got there, and he and I will talk properly when he gets here. He was going to drive non stop from Houston until he was back in LA.

Monsé was moved from the ED on to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology ward, into a side room near the nurses station. Her room is quiet and peaceful, with a view overlooking the hospitals water fountains outside. Dr Michaels has given me permission to stay with Monsé, which is something she rarely does apparently, but I think she could see that I wasn't going to leave her side without a fight. Monsé's nurse is a slim black woman with dark hair tied up in a high top knot, wearing blue scrubs, called Kerrie. She finishes changing Monsé into a blue hospital gown and rehangs her IV bags on the stand. I yawn and stretch in the big blue chair I'm sitting in next to Monsé's bed. "Long morning?" She asks me, I nod "You could say that, plus I didn't sleep much, spent most of the night keeping an eye on Monsé," I reply and yawn again. "Well why don't you try and catch a few minutes now? I'll go grab you a blanket." She Kindly offers, "no it's okay, I'd rather stay up in case Mon wakes up, plus her dad said he was going to call me later to check to see how she's doing. I'm already in his bad books, don't want to give him another reason to hate me." Kerrie stops writing on her clipboard,"I'm guessing the pregnancy wasn't planned then," she asks and gives me a half smile, "no, no it wasn't. She actually broke up with me when she discovered she was pregnant. When I finally found out she, said she didn't want the fact she was pregnant to hold me back. I just wish she had told me from the beginning, then maybe this wouldn't have happened." I say looking at Monsé, who is connected to an array of wires and tubes, including an oxygen tube in her nose.

She looks so fragile and young. I feel helpless sitting here, I wish there was something I could do to help her and the twins. If I could take away whatever pain she is in, I would in a heartbeat. "There is no point in blaming yourself, most mothers carrying twins suffer from HG, you got her to the right place now and we will look after them," she says reassuringly. I lean forward and hold Monsé's hand in mine, softly stroking it with my thumb, "How long have you two been together, if you don't mind me asking," Kerrie says as she attached a probe onto one of Monsé's fingers. "Officially for four years, but I've know her all my life, well since we were 3. She's my best friend, my everything," I tell her quietly, as I look at Monsé's peaceful sleeping face. "You really do love her, don't you!" She says, I nod and smile at Monsé, "I never believed in soulmates, then I met Mon and it all finally made sense. I quickly realised that she was the only one for me, I am truly nothing without her. She is my beginning and end, and although we didn't plan for her to get pregnant so early, it was going to happen at some point in our future, I guess that is why I am so calm with it all, but I will admit that finding out earlier today we're having twins was a massive shock." I tell her, "she is a lucky girl having you by her side," Kerrie smiles at me, "no I'm the lucky one," I reply, because I truly am

Kerrie tries to persuade me to go and get food, but I refuse to leave Monsé, even though my stomach is talking loudly from the hunger. So she kindly gets me a tray of food and a big cup of coffee, which I devour in minutes. It's only 8:47am and we'd been in the hospital for over 4 hours now. I decide to call the crew and let them know whats going on;

3-way phone conversation

C: Hey Rubs, I'm sorry to call you so early

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