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Niall had been acted suspicously lately and you were worried about what was going on,but when you were 

on your way home from work ,you saw a magazine cover with pic’s of niall and demi kissing plastered over the cover

unsure of what to do you bought the magazine and power-walked the two streets until you reached your home.

When you got there you saw Niall sat on the sofa watching ‘Celebrity Juice’ and laughing his ass off. You 

walked straight up to him and threw the magazine down in front of him. He had a look of pure surprise on his

face and without even trying to deny it he said’ Y/N!I’m so sorry, it was accident ,i didn’t mean it’. You 

stood there in complete shock trying to process what he had just said .’How long?’You asked. ‘What?’niall said

confused.’ I said how long?’You asked getting more agitated. Once he understood what you were asking he just

looked down in complete guilt. ‘The whole 3 months we were in the US’He stated. This wasn’t just an ACCIDENT

it had been going on for three fucking months ,you no longer wanted to be anywhere near Niall, you 

started to pace up and down your front room in complete exasperation .’Look baby”Don’t you dare call me

baby’ You yelled in his face .This then turned into a full scale argument that went on for hours on end. 

Until Niall had finally admitted he loved her and left .Left you there .After everything he had done he was

the one that had ,had enough of you and had broken up with you! You were livid he wasn’t the boy you had 

fallen in love with anymore.

—-4 months Later—-

You awoke to somebody banging on the front door of your flat. You glanced at the clock. 4:16AM. Who comes 

around at quarter past 4 in the morning. You dragged yourself out of bed and towards the door .You unlocked

and opened the door to see your distraught niall staring back at you.’Niall, what are you going here?’.He burst

his way through your front door and walked straight to your sofa and sat down. ‘I want you back’He said simply

.You were in complete astonishment ‘But..Niall I-I’ He cut you off. ‘No Y/N listen, i love you all of you and

i was a dickhead i was lonely when we were in america and demi was just there ,she was nothing like you, your

the most special person in the world to me and i was an idiot i know i shouldn’t have left you four months ago

i never wanted to ,I know i should have stayed and grovelled and won you back but thats what i’m here for now

.”I’m sooo sorry Y/N, really sorry i regret everything i did to hurt you and i want us to get back together

and live happily ever after’. Without giving you time to even reply he stood and walked upto you so that

there was barely a centimetre in between the two of you.He grabbed you by the nape of your neck and tried 

to pull your face to his and place a passionate kiss on your lips, but before he could connect his lips

to yours you pushed him away.Little did Niall know that a month ago your male bestfriend and ex before

niall, Jack. Had come back into your life and sweeped you off your feet and you were no longer single.

'I'm sorry Niall i can't' You apologised. 'W-why not?'He pondered. Just at that moment Jack walked through your 

bedroom door ,still half asleep and stared at Niall. Niall then understood why you couldn’t kiss him and stood

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