First Fight

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Harry- Harry has a reputation of only dating a girl for about 2 weeks. When he met you though it lasted for more than 2 weeks, 4 months exactly. Of course when modest found out they had to do something. So, for about a month of your relationship he was single once again. Then modest had a better idea, a new love interest. Tiffany Johnson. She was perfect in every way, she was skinny, she was beautiful and she was a model. You sat at home again on a Friday night without your boyfriend. He was too busy with Tiffany, he was always to busy with Tiffany. A happy Harry walked through the door, he didn’t even look at you. “Hey kitten.” He spoke smugly, searching through the fridge. “Hey Harry.” Exhaustion evident in your voice. “Whats up with you?” “Oh, nothing having fun on our anniversary. I didn’t want to make these month things a big deal, but you did Harry. So, I thought we were doing it every month. I guess not, having fun with Tiffany instead?” His face grew red, “Yes, I am.” You shrugged getting up from your seat at the table as soon as Harry sit down. “Where are you going?” His voice was deeper, like when he got mad. “I’m going to bed.” “No you’re not.” Harry stubbornly grabbed your wrist. “Yes I am, I’m tired. I stayed up all night for you to just come home and not even look at me! YOU DON’T EVEN TOUCH ME ANYMORE! ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS DAMN TIFFANY!” You screamed, smashing the nearest thing to you. “IT IS MY JOB TO LIKE HER! AND DO I LIKE HER, YES I DO!” “FINE. fine, fine, your wish is my command. Go get her Harry. That’s all that seems to matter anymore with you.” You stomped upstairs, into you room locking the door behind you. Tears streaming down your face, curling up into the covers that smelled like Harry. “(y/n)” Harry stood outside the door, his voice raspier than usual. “Harry.” You mimicked. “(y/n) open the door.” You sighed, walking over and opening the door. Harry stood there with his hands in his pockets. “I’m so sorry, I got so caught up in Tiffany and trying to make my fake feelings look real when I completely forgot about my sext kitten at home that I love very, very much.” You pounced onto him playfully. “I love you too baby.” That night Harry set the bar high for future anniversarys.

Niall- Niall stumbled in for the fourth night in a row completely drunk. His blond hair messy, your eyes caught something red on the side of his neck.  Being a Tomlinson, your sassy side was something you could not hide. “Oh, look baby. You have a hickey.” You playfully cooed walking up to him. His eyes gazed at you. “Let me go get you a pillow because your sleeping on the couch.” You sassily walked down the hall until Niall caught a hold of your waist. Twisting you around to meet his eyes, his now cold blue eyes. “Stop being a bitch,” He slurred, pushing you hard away from him. Knocking you on the ground, “I will after you stop being a dick.” You got yourself up, watching Niall stumble around the living room. Making your heat melt. Niall has had it hard the past few weeks with tour and you two trying to make you relationship work. You helped him up off the ground. “Come on Ni, lets go to bed.” Once you got settled in bed, he wrapped his arms around your torso. “I didn’t sleep with her princess. You know I love you right?’ His voice groggy. You nodded, kissing his forehead. “I love you too Ni.”

Louis-  "Make me dinner." He commanded, not even flinching. You scoffed, turning the telly off so he could give you some attention. "What on gods green earth makes you think that you can talk to me like that!?" "I just want dinner, come on sweetie. Just make me a sandwich or something?" He groaned trying to turn the telly back on. "Why don’t you help me then and get off your lazy ass." You raised your eye brows. "Excuse me but I actually work my ass of! And what do you do, stay here and sleep all day!?" Louis fumed, rolling his eyes at your shocked expression. "You know what I’ve been doing? Planning my fathers fucking funeral. That’s what I’ve been doing. And would it be nice for my boyfriend to cook me a meal or cuddle with me one day. Then yes, I guess I am just a lazy ass." Tears sparked your eyes, before gracefully falling halfway down your cheeks. Louis caught them on his pointer finger, quietly shh-ing you. You collapsed into his arms, "I guess we both need a break for just us, don’t we?" Louis whispered into your ear. You nodded, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck. And you did have that day to yourself, and it was enchanting.

Liam-  Lately its been all about the boys, what have you been up too? Oh nothing hanging out with the boys. Tonight was our movie night. (n): Our- You and Liam.) Of course who showed up at your doorstep; the boys. You of course politely let them in since the freezing weather. They made themselves welcome like they always do. Liam came running down at the sound of Harrys voice. “Oh, the boys are here?” “Yeah, they are but could I talk to you for a second.” You commanded, motioning him into the kitchen. He didn’t oblige following you willingly. “What is it (y/n)?” You clenched your teeth. “Am I not goo enough you had to invite the boys to our movie night?” You weren’t going to raise your voice you repeated to yourself over and over again. “What?” He asked pulling his innocent charm. “You bloody hell know what?” You whispered yelled. “Oh my god can you be anymore Jealous? You are so fucking clingy!” He screamed. “How would know, you’re never home and when you are you completely worn out! I just want some you and me time but that seems so far away right now!” His face softened. “Babe, I’m sorry.” Liam pulled you into a hug, leaving little kisses on your forehead. “I forgive you, I’m sorry too though I might have been a little jealous.” “A little?” He joked, giving you a peck on the lips. “Now lets go watch the movie, with the boys.” You smiled taking Liams hand in yours.

Zayn- You walked into your shared apartment with Zayn. Immediately smelling the aroma of heavy dense smoke. A bad day at work and now this? You stormed into the living room where Zayn sat on the couch smoking. A pack of cigars beside him, half full. Your blood pumping through your veins, angry. “ZAYN! I TOLD YOU IF YOU’RE GOING TO SMOKE, TO SMOKE OUTSIDE!” He jumped at your loud voice. Smashing the cigar under his feet, the light flickering out. “I can do whatever the fuck I want to!” You were appalled his choice of words. Zayn never swears. “No honestly you cant because I want you to dies old with me, not because of lung cancer.” “Just leave me alone!” He yelled lighting another one for spite. You scoffed, running up to your bedroom which didn’t smell like smoke. You tossed and turned the few hours you were up there by yourself in the big bed. You huffed, walking down stairs finding Zayn passed out on the couch. You smiled a little, seeing how cute he was. You picked up his arm, snuggling into him before placing his arm on your waist. He instinctively got closer to you. Making you fall for him all over again.

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