He Kisses Another Girl (Liam and Niall, part 1)

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Liam: You and Liam were cuddled together on the sofa, watching a romantic-comedy together.  Currently in the movie, the main character was fighting to keep his girlfriend after she caught another character kissing him.  “I just don’t understand what the big deal is!” Liam exclaimed.  “He kissed another girl! That’s cheating.”  You explain.  “But he’s clearly sorry!  I don’t see why she can’t just forgive him!”  “Liam, it’s still cheating.  Why are you getting so worked up over this?”  You ask.  You see Liam stare down at the ground, before looking back at you with tears in his eyes.  “(y/n)…I made a horrible mistake.  I kissed another girl.  I’m so sorry.  I love you.”  You remain silent, and Liam shuffles nervously.  “(y/n)…please say something.”  “I have nothing to say.” You finally reply.  “I think you should leave, Liam.”  “Please, (y/n), I regret it so much.  I love you so much, I couldn’t bare losing you.”  “Liam…please just go.  I need to be alone for a little bit.”  “Anything you want, darling.” He says through his tears.  You hear the door shut as he leaves, and you finally let the sobs you’d been holding in escape.

Niall: You woke up next to your boyfriend, his strong arms wrapped around you tightly, but comfortably. You smiled and rolled out of his grasp, out of bed, and down to your kitchen to make him some breakfast. When you got to the kitchen, you noticed that your phone, which you’d been charging on the island, was blowing up with texts, alerts, and twitter updates.  You went on to twitter, just to see what was going on. You noticed a bunch of links to the same article on a well-known celebrity gossip site.  You skimmed through the article, and almost dropped your phone when you saw the picture at the bottom of the page.  It was Niall and some girl, passionately kissing.  You ran into your bedroom, and angrily shook Niall awake. He groaned and rolled over.  “That’s not the nicest good morning, princess.”  “Niall! Get up, now!” hearing the pain in your voice, he sat up, and gave you with a concerned look.  “What’s going on, (y/n)?” he asked in his morning voice.  “Niall…what’s this?”  You handed him your phone, and he looked at the picture, before swearing under his breath.  “Honestly princess, I can explain this.”  “Don’t!” you yell, running out of the bedroom, out of the house, not stopping, not even once you reached the street.  You got some weird glances from people, considering you were running through the streets of London in your pajamas with tears streaming down your cheeks.  But you didn’t stop.

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