You Two are on a Date and a Fan Hurts You

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Niall: You decided to go on a date with Niall to a football (soccer) match since both of you enjoyed the sport. He figured since there would be a huge crowd, you two didn’t need to be too worried about anything. By the end of the game the team most people were rooting for lost causing small banter. “Shame they didn’t win, I was sure they had it,” Niall said to you as he held your hand. You nodded and was about to comment on something when you saw a girl with a One Direction shirt start to come towards you and Niall. You smiled, one fan couldn’t hurt. Turning to your boyfriend you said, “Hey babe there’s a fan- OW!” You felt your right ankle give out as it took a hard kick. Fortunately Niall wrapped his arms around your waist just in time, holding you up. Wide eyed, you looked at the “fan” that you saw coming your way. “Are you crazy?!” you exclaimed, holding on to Niall. She gave you an innocent look, “Sorry, I was just trying to get Niall’s autograph.” You were about to retort when Niall scoffed, “Bullshit. You did that on purpose. Now please get away from me and my girlfriend.” She glared at both of you before walking off in the other direction. “I’m sorry about that princess,” Niall apologized, still supporting most of your weight. “It’s fine Nialler. It wasn’t your fault,” you breathed a sigh of relief as you reached Niall’s car. “Will a kiss make it better?” he asked, grinning. You nodded, smiling as his lips met yours. 

Harry: “Dance with me (Y/N)!” Harry shouted over the music. Harry was feeling a little bored and spontaneously decided that you two should go on a date to a club to have some fun. He was a little tipsy, nothing too bad but he was still a little careless. “Sure babe,” you said, giving him a kiss before taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. You grinned as Harry pulled you in even closer, moving to the music. He connected his lips with yours, giving you a tender kiss, lingering on your lips. But you were crashed into his chest when you felt a body collide with yours. Harry quickly secured his arms around your waist, preventing you from falling due to the force and the heels you were wearing. You turned your head to see a girl, looking hammered. Harry forced you behind him, as if the girl was a big threat. “Don’t you dare hurt my girlfriend,” he said loudly, trying to be heard over the music. She blinked three times before saying in a slurred voice, “Oh my gosh. H-Harry Styles! I might be drunk but I’d know my idol anywhere!” Obviously not believing her innocence Harry continued to keep you behind his back. You laughed and placed your hand on his forearm, “Babe she’s drunk. She didn’t mean to push me!” Giving the girl a suspicious look he turned back to you, “Sorry baby. Maybe we should go home; I think the alcohol is starting to mess with me. You laughed again, kissing him before you two headed out of the club. 

Zayn: The media seemed to go crazy when you and Zayn had gone public. The news was still fresh; probably the reason why there were about twenty guys with cameras watching you and Zayn intently as you ate dinner outside. “I’m sorry babe, I didn’t think they would find out where we were eating,” he said apologetically. You shook your head and smiled at him, “It’s fine Zayn. At least they’re being quiet.” You two went on with the dinner, having fun and making conversation. The guys noticed Zayn paying for the bill and inched closer, ready to follow you guys. “I know another way out,” he told you quietly as he slipped his arm around your waist, leading you back inside the restaurant. One of the waiters smiled at you two and showed the way to back door exit. You both smiled gratefully at him and stepped out only to be met by a group of fans. They grinned at Zayn, quickly running up to him for autographs and pictures. He shot you an apologetic look before turning back to the fans. You decided to give him some space; not wanting to interrupt his time with the them. “Move!” You were too caught off guard to even say anything when a girl pushed you to the ground. Your knees collided with the ground roughly to break your fall; causing you to let out a gasp of pain. “What the hell did you do to my girlfriend?!” you heard Zayn yell angrily, he quickly helped you up glaring at the girl who had pushed you. “Are you alright babe?” he asked softly, wrapping a protective arm around your waist. You nodded, not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone. He looked at your knees; eyes narrowing when he saw that they were bleeding. “I’m sorry we have to go now. I have to get (Y/N) cleaned up.” Zayn had his arm around you the whole time kissing your forehead as silent apologies. The other fans weren’t too happy with the girl that hurt you. 

Liam: You two thought it would be fun to go ice-skating for a date. Being the gentleman he is he made sure you were warm enough and held your hand tightly as you stepped on the ice. Liam got the hang of it quickly but you were still struggling a bit. But soon enough you were able to skate without Liam constantly having to help you. He excused himself to the restroom, leaving you to look around the rink as you waited for your boyfriend to return. “(Y/N)?” You stopped skating and turned your head, only to see a close friend you hadn’t seen in a while. You grinned, hugging and greeting her before she started to skate next to you. You two always messed around with each other when you were younger, which probably explained why you ended up landing on the ice, your butt freezing and hurt. Your friend merely laughed; just like when you two were younger. You were laughing along with her when you heard a voice from behind you, “What did you do to my girlfriend?!” Your friend’s eyes went wide; she was a big fan of One Direction and didn’t know you were dating Liam. He quickly helped you up, taking your hand back in his. “Y-You didn’t tell me you were dating Liam!” she exclaimed, still wide-eyed. Liam scoffed, “That’s what they all-“ “Liam!” you cut him off with a laugh. “She’s a friend. We were just playing around,” you assured him. His cheeks tinted red in embarrassment. “Oh… sorry about that then,” he said nervously. You kissed his cheek sweetly before giving him a quick kiss. “It’s cute when you’re protective though,” you grinned at him. 

Louis: One thing you and Louis liked to do together was shop. Whether it was him doing the sopping or you it was something you both enjoyed. You guys went out on shopping dates a lot so it was no surprise when the two of you spent Friday afternoon at Topshop. Louis quietly drank his Starbucks as you looked through the choices of clothes. Just as you were about to ask for his opinion someone grabbed your arm roughly, yanking you back. Surprised, you let out a scream thinking someone was trying to hurt you. Turns out it was a fan; her I love Louis shirt proved it. “Hey! I’d appreciate it if you could keep your hands off (Y/N),” Louis said angrily. The fan seemed too speechless to even speak; freaking out on the inside that Louis Tomlinson had just talked to her. She just smiled at him, not saying a word. “Um, I would tell you off some more but you seem to have your own problem,” taking your hand, Louis quickly pulled you out of the shop. “I’m sorry love,” he looked at you, feeling guilty. “It’s fine Lou. She was no match for me anyways,” you winked at him, making him laugh. “And this is why I love you (Y/N),” he said as he placed his arms around your shoulder. “Let’s go find another shop.”

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