He Realizes He Loves You part 1

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Harry: At this moment, I was really glad I chose a horror movie as (y/n)’s and my weekly movie night.  It was my turn to choose, and I had gone with Saw 3, a movie I really wanted to see, but (y/n) was less than thrilled about.  As the movie went on, (y/n) went from nervous to absolutely terrified.  At this point, she had buried her face in my chest, and was basically sitting on my lap, and I had wrapped my arms around her.  This was nice.  As she began shaking, I decided that enough was enough. I grabbed the remote and turned off the T.V. She looked up at me, still cuddled into me.  “Why’d you turn it off?” she asked. “Well, I could see you didn’t like it.” I said, and she groaned, “More like hated it! I’m going to bed with the lights on for the rest of the week.” I chuckled, and turned the T.V. onto the Simpsons, so she could get her mind off the movie, but neither of us moved from our positions on the sofa.  As time passed, we slowly moved from the positions we were in to lying on the sofa, her legs intertwined with mine, her head on my chest, my arms wrapped around her.  I completely stopped paying attention to the T.V. as I looked down at her face.  She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever met. But we were just friends. She was so smart and funny, and just…perfect. But we were just friends.  Maybe it’s time we became more than just friends.

Zayn: “Go (y/n)!” I yelled, and (y/n) smiled up at me.  I was attending (y/n)’s lacrosse game.  Her team was winning, which I like to think is because of my fantastic cheer skills.  I watched as she ran around to the girl who had the ball.  She was playing offense, and she’d scored a ton of points so far.  I could see that the girls on the other team could see that she was definitely the team’s most valuable player, and the reason they were winning.  They were hatching a plot, but of course, what could I prove. All I could do was watch out for (y/n).  I saw three of them huddle up at the side when (y/n) scored another goal.  They whispered among each other, then split up and surrounded (y/n) as soon as the referee blew the whistle to start again.  One of them caught the ball as her teammate tossed them the ball, and (y/n) started to go for it, but then one of the other girls elbowed her and tripped her so that she fell down.  I could feel my heart sink the second her head made contact with the ground.  I ran off the stands down to her limp body, along with her coach and her best friend, who was also on the team. (Y/n) was passed out, and her coach yelled to (y/n)’s best friend “Get a paramedic!” which made me feel even worse about the current situation.  An EMT ran out on the field, and after doing some medical stuff I couldn’t understand, (y/n)’s eyes fluttered open, and she groaned and touched her head, before her hand moved to her ribs, where the girl had elbowed her, and I’m sure she now had a bruise.  The EMT did some more stuff before determining that (y/n) now had a concussion, and would need to go to the hospital for a CAT scan to make sure there was nothing more wrong.  I sat with her in the ambulance and talked to her about things other than the game, trying to get her mind off the throbbing pain in her head.  As I talked to her, I started thinking about my life if (y/n) had hit her head harder. If she didn’t wake up on the field. It almost brought tears to my eyes.  My life without (y/n) was something I couldn’t even imagine.  And that’s when it hit me. I was in love with (y/n).

Niall: I heard my phone ring on my nightstand, and I sat up in bed and saw (y/n)’s number.  My clock read 2 am, a time when most people would be dead asleep, but I just couldn’t fall asleep, and from the sounds of it, (y/n) couldn’t either.  “Hey (y/n),” I said. “Hey Ni.  Are you mad I’m calling? I know it’s kind of early, and I’m sorry if I woke you up, but I really couldn’t sleep.” She said. Wow, I never realized just how pretty her voice is.  “No, it’s fine.  I couldn’t sleep either.  Do you want to come over and watch some movies?”  “Ok! That sounds good.  Do you want me too pick up some Nando’s too?” I smiled.  “You know me too well! See you soon!” “See you soon Niall!” she said, and hung up.  I sighed.  I missed her voice now.  Why did I have to end the conversation?  I got up to fix my hair so that I looked a little less like I just rolled out of bed..  As I started to fix it, I realized I never fix my hair for (y/n).  I never really fix anything about myself for her.  The realization that I wanted to look good for her, that I wanted her to like me hit me like a ton of bricks.  I wanted (y/n) to like me, as more than friends, like me like I liked her.

Liam: I laughed as (y/n) once again accurately predicted what was going to happen next on “Jersey Shore”, a show we both hated as anti-drama advocators. “Honestly,” she said, “It’s so stupid. I don’t understand why people like this show.  You know society is in demise when people love shows, not about learning and the advance of our world, but about who hooked up with who. It’s sickening.” I laughed again.  “Hey, it’s not funny!” she said, but at this point I was just laughing at how cute she was when she was outraged.  “You’re right,” I said, composing myself, “It’s not funny.  But you are.” She laughed. “Well thank you for that. Do you want more popcorn? I do! I’m going to make some.” She ran off to make more popcorn, leaving me to listen to a commercial on MTV, but my mind had wandered from the T.V. long ago.  I was thinking about (y/n).  The truth was, I was doing that a lot lately.  It was hard not too.  She was just so amazing, the way her eyes sparkled, how she always put others before herself, how smart and funny she was. She was just so perfect.  I immediately put the thoughts out of my head.  Friends shouldn’t think about each other like that.  But maybe, that’s just what it was. Maybe, I wanted to be more than friends…

Louis: I watched (y/n) do a master cannonball, and the boys and I cheered at her wonderful jump.  We’d decided to have a cannonball contest, and (y/n) was definitely winning.  “Thank you, thank you.” She said, and bowed as she got out of the pool.  “You’re a wonderful cannonballist.” Said Liam.  (Y/n) laughed. “That’s kind of a horrible thing to be great at.  Like, some girls can sing, some are models, but me, I can do a great cannonball.” We laughed, and I felt a feeling I’d never felt before in my chest.  My mind raced from thought to thought of (y/n), from when we first met to spending time together to today, all I could think about was her and how happy I was when I was with her.  I had the urge to kiss her, which I immediately pushed back. My head was spinning.  Why was I feeling this way? (Y/n) was one of my best friends, I couldn’t like her.  She probably never thought of me in that way.  I thought of kissing her again, and I gulped.  Well, there was no point in lying to myself.  I was falling in love with (y/n).

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