Your first date (His POV)

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Harry: This has to go perfect. I have this chance to wow this girl. I can’t lose out on this amazing woman. After talking to her at the party, I know there’s some serious potential. I quickly packed the bags of candy in a grocery bag. I had looked through her facebook and figured out her favourite candy, though I’d never tell her that. Tonight, they were my favourite too. I was taking Y/N to the drive in. I figured it was a little different than the typical movie date, and I hoped it would be somewhat impressive. I grabbed the bag and a few drinks and barreled down the stairs. I sat in the car and sped off towards her address. I bit my lip as I pulled into the driveway. Instinctively, I reached for my phone. “No, no. She deserves the old fashion thing” I said, opening my car door. I walked around and up to the townhouse. I rang the doorbell and waited. After a few seconds of nervous induced panic, she answered. She looked gorgeous but simple. I smiled wide, and her face lit up. “Hi, nice to see you babe” I said, trying to control the nervous shake in my voice. “Hey Hazz” she smiled, and my heart fluttered. She already had a nickname for me, and it was so sweet coming out of her mouth. She grabbed her purse and we were off. We pulled in and I paid for the movie. “I brought snacks” I smiled, and she smirked. “Whadya bring?” she asked, and I showed her the bags. “Hazz, seriously. Those are my favourites ever!” she smiled excitedly. I knew that smile was a smile I wanted to see more. She popped a few candies in her mouth and smiled. “So, tell me about you” I asked, and she sighed and smirked. I couldn’t tell you what movie was on. I know at one point I turned the speaker off. The world could have been ending around us and it wouldn’t have mattered. We just talked. Talked about her life and mine, talked about our hopes, dreams, successes and failures. I thought we had talked about everything the night before, but it felt like I didn’t know enough, even as I dropped her off at two in the morning. We had parked outside the drive in for two hours just to talk. I walked her to her door, and she unlocked the door and opened the door. “Well, I had a lot of fun tonight” she smiled. Usually, this was when I walked in with the girl and spent the night. Serious relationships were not something I did often. But I didn’t want that with her. I wanted to sleep with her, but just to wake up with her. I just wanted to be close to her.  I was not looking forward to this part of the night from the get go. I didn’t want to say goodbye. “I had a great time, too” I said, and she nodded. “So, I guess text me?” she said, and I nodded. “Of course. When I get to the car, probably. Maybe before, I can always text and walk” I laughed, and she smiled. “I don’t want to say goodnight” she laughed, and I looked down and smirked. “Me neither, I don’t want to be away from you” I whispered, and she took my chin in her hand. “Breakfast? Six hours? Can we handle it?” she asked, and I nodded and smiled wide. “See you in a bit” she smiled, as I wrapped my arms around her. “See you then, but I’m still going to text you” I whispered, kissing her cheek before she backed into the house with a smile on her face. I had a sickening smile across my face as I walked to the car, barely able to wait for the next six hours to pass.

Niall: “This feels stupid, everyone has pizza on a first date” I said into my phone. I heard Liam half laugh and half sigh on the other end. I couldn’t blame him, I had called him ten times that day. I was nervous. I had met a girl a couple nights ago. A dramatic meeting, none the less, but something about her stuck with me. Y/N was something else. “Just, have faith” Liam assured me again, and I groaned. I was planning on making pizzas with Y/N tonight. She should be on her way over, and I had the crusts set out with all the toppings I could think of. There was a bottle of wine in the fridge and two glasses in the freezer. My flat was spotless. No, it was spotless an hour before I stopped. I couldn’t even describe this level of clean. But I needed to make a great impression. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. “She’s here, gotta go” I whispered, and hung up on Liam. I tossed my phone on the couch to try and keep it from distracting me, and went for the door. I opened it slower than I wanted to, and there she was. She looked adorable, and I immediately felt myself blushing. She must have noticed, cause she giggled lightly. “Hi Y/N” I said. “Hi Niall” she whispered, and I smiled. “Are you going to let me in?” she asked, and I jumped out of her way. How could I be so stupid? She laughed and slipped her shoes off. “So, I was thinking pizza?” I said, nervously, trying to gage her reaction. “Like, ordering?” she asked, and I shook my head and pointed to the kitchen. She looked in and smiled. “Oh that’s awesome. So down” she smiled, and I fell for her a little more. So down for homemade pizza made me so down for her. She grabbed one of the pizza shells, and started with the sauce. “What do you like on yours?” she asked, as I started spreading the sauce on mine. “Just pepperoni” I said, and she half smiled. “I usually have just cheese” she whispered, looking at the vast amount of toppings. I let out a loud laugh, and she smiled. “I guess I will have stirfry for dinner tomorrow” I said, and she smiled. We slid our pizzas in the oven, and sat at the breakfast bar. We talked about how her day went, how mine had gone, how nice my flat was. She did most of the talking. I just loved to listen to her. It was like her voice was music. She mesmerized me with every word, I just wanted her to keep talking. She had a way of making everything, regardless of how seemingly trivial or redundant it was, so interesting. I was so into her, she was amazing. There was only thing that could stop us, and when the buzzer for the over timer went off, she stopped talking. We both hopped up to get our pizzas. They looked great, and we giggled and laughed as we ate. Then we settled and watched a little TV. I had my arm around her the whole time, and she was resting her head on my shoulder. As a Friends rerun ended, and sighed. “I should go, it’s late” she said, sitting up. “What time is it?”I asked, looking at my watch. “One am” she responded as I checked. “Oh wow. Are you okay to get home or did you want me to take you?” I asked. After the night I met her, where she was being literally assaulted by a group of guys, I was nervous. “Well, you can walk me to my car?” she offered, and I nodded. I walked her down, and she smiled as she opened her car door. “You’re having stirfry for dinner tomorrow?” she asked, and I laughed lightly and nodded. “Is there enough for two?” she asked, and I smiled. “Of course, always enough for you” I said, and she blushed. “See you tomorrow, same time?” she asked, sliding into her car. “Can’t wait” I whispered as she shut her car door. I backed up as she drove away, blowing me a kiss as she turned on to the road.

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