(Requested) one of the boys calls you a slut/whore/bitch

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You and your grandmother have always been close, so her approval of yours and Niall’s relationship meant the world to you. Luckily, Niall completely won her over. Since your grandmother barely spoke English, it was pretty funny seeing her and Niall communicate. You came back to your flat and much to your surprise not it was Niall there, but so was your grandmother. You tried to stifle a giggle after you saw that they were both watching a Spanish soap opera. You walked over to them and sat down, knowing that if you spoke before a commercial break came on you would probably get pelted by the couch cushions. There was a fight scene between the two leading actresses but they were just screaming at each other and kept insulting each other. The shouting ceased but they were still throwing insults at each other, you were more amused by Niall’s confused expression on his face than by the plot of the soap opera. That is until he opened his mouth, “Y/N, are you my puta?” He asked innocently, pronouncing the word perfectly. Next thing you know your grandmother was laughing and you just tried your best not to laugh. “Niall, that means bitch in Spanish.” You said, laughing escaping from your lips. His face changed from a look of pure innocence to pure horror. “Oh my god, Y/N I didn’t know! I’m so sorry!” He stammered out. “Niall, just… stop repeating everything you hear during this soap opera.” You said while kissing his cheek softly. Your grandmother quickly shushed you two since the commercial break was over. 

By the way the word Puta means Bitch in Spanish .  And in Philippines that is a bad word  . Same as Spanish .

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