He Kisses Another Girl (Harry, Zayn, Louis, part 2)

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Harry: You sat on your sofa, tearing apart pictures of you and Harry.  Your phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Harry, but you hit ignore every time.  You came across a picture that made your heart stop. You were dressed up; at an awards show with the band.  Harry was grinning from ear to ear, smiling down at you as you smiled back up at him, holding you extremely close to him.  His arms wrapped protectively around you, pressing your body against his.  It was Harry’s favorite picture of the two of you. Because it showed how much he loved you, he said.  You went to rip it, but you didn’t have the heart to. Another round of sobs comes over you, and you toss the picture to the side.  You hear Harry’s footsteps coming up to the door, and you regain yourself.  He’s not going to see me cry.  I won’t give him the satisfaction of that. You tell yourself, and you sit up on the sofa, waiting for his entry.  He bursts through the door, and looks you up and down.  “What the hell, (y/n)?!” he shouts.  “I spent two hours looking for you at that theatre! I called you a million times! I thought you got kidnapped, or hurt, or something! What the hell is wrong with you?!”  You glare at him angrily, trying not to let his painful words affect you.  “I don’t know Harry.  Why don’t you ask your girl on the side?  I’m sure the two of you have a blast making fun of me.  Is that your pillow talk? ‘(y/n) is such an idiot!’, ‘I can’t believe she hasn’t found out yet!’” “What are you talking about?!” He yells angrily.  “I know you’re cheating on me Harry.  Sophie saw you kissing another girl today.  All those nights you were with the boys, or recording, were you really with her? Did I wait up for you all those nights when you’d really been with her?”  Harry’s face softened.  “Baby,” he practically whispered, “That was my ex-girlfriend.  She wanted to talk.  She wanted to get back together.  I told her that I was in love with you, that I always would be.  She wanted a goodbye kiss.  God, I shouldn’t have given it to her.  I’m so sorry.  I love you.”  You break down and start sobbing, and Harry runs over and scoops you up in his arms.  “I’m so, so sorry, angel.  I never should’ve kissed her.  I love you, so much, more than I’ve ever loved anyone else.  Please forgive me.”  You smile through your tears up at your boyfriend.  “Of course, Harry.  Just don’t let it happen again, okay?”  He smiles down at you.  “Never again, my love.”

Zayn: Two days.  It had been two days since you discovered Zayn’s infidelity. You told yourself you didn’t need him.  That you were better off without him.  But you were having a hard time believing yourself.  You were packing your suitcase to leave and go back to London, and try to begin a life without Zayn.  Without Zayn.  Those two words alone were enough to make tears begin pricking at your eyes.  But you kept going.  You shoved your jacket in your bag, and you heard a crinkling noise.  You raised an eyebrow quizzically, and reached down to get the contents of the pocket out of the jacket.  You felt waves of pain washing over you as you saw what it was.  A ticket to tonight’s concert.  You don’t know what, but something inside you told you to go to the concert.  To see Zayn one last time.  Then move on.  You pulled up a hoodie, let your hair fall around your face, and you put on sunglasses.  Almost unrecognizable. You thought to yourself.  You tried to smile into the mirror, but it was no use.  You sighed, and headed off to the concert.  You filed in with the fans, and you could feel your heart breaking when you saw Zayn jumping onto the stage with the boys.  You examined his face closely.  He was smiling, happily.  But his eyes said otherwise. They were filled with sadness.  The boys went through the concert normally, but you could tell that Zayn’s heart wasn’t in it.  He got to Moments, your favorite song, before breaking down, tears streaming down his face.  The boys filled in with his solo’s, Niall and Liam putting their arms around Zayn to try and comfort him.  At the end of the concert, you headed back stage and to Zayn’s dressing room.  You opened the door and peaked in, seeing Zayn with red eyes downing a beer.  You stepped in and softly shut the door behind you.  “Hey, you can’t be in here! How’d you get past security?” he asked.  You took down your hood and pulled off your sunglasses.  “(y/n)!” Zayn exclaimed, running over to you and pulling you close to him.  “(y/n), I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…” he cried into your shoulder.  It only took a few words from him to get you crying yourself.  “Please don’t leave me, (y/n).  I love you so much.  Honestly, she kissed me!”  He sobbed.  “It’s ok, Zayn.” You reply.  “No it’s not! I’m so sorry, I never should’ve let her kiss me.  I hurt you, and it’s not alright.  I never want to hurt you…and I did.  Please forgive me?”  You giggle a little in your tears.  “You’re forgiven Zayn.  I love you.”  He smiled and hugged you tightly.  “I love you more.” He whispered, not breaking the embrace that held you close to him.

Louis: Eventually the noise Louis has created dies out, and you spend the rest of the night sobbing into your pillow, eventually crying yourself to sleep.  The next morning you wake up, and head over to your part-time job at a little office.  You stumble through the day, your mind in other places as you do your job. Only a few people are left at your office as you begin to shut off your computer and get ready to go home.  You hear a guitar start playing and you spin around to see Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis standing behind you.  Niall strums on the guitar as the boys start singing Over Again.  You stand watching, tears threatening to return to your face as you hold back the emotions that you so badly want to let out. After they finish, all the boys except Louis walk out of the office, leaving only you, Louis, and a few stunned co-workers.  “(y/n),” Louis starts, “I know you probably hate me now, but I just want you to know that I love you.  The girl I kissed was just a fan, who got past security.  I was really tired, I just wanted to go up to my room, but she wanted a kiss.  I kissed her, and it is the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.  I’ll never let it happen again. I’m so sorry. So, will you take me back?”  You nodded as tears streamed down your cheeks.  Louis grinned and grabbed your hand, leading you out of the office, and back home.

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