He Kisses Another Girl (Louis, Zayn, Harry, part 1)

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Harry: Your phone went off in your purse, and you reached down to get it.  You were at the movies with Harry, and he had run off to get the two of you some popcorn before the movie started.  The pre-trailer commercials were playing, so you still had a little time before you had to turn off your phone.  “Hello?” you answered.  “Hey (y/n), it’s Sophie.”  One of your best friends since elementary school said. “Hey, Soph! What’s going on?”  “Uh, well, I was wondering if you and Harry broke up.”  She said, and a look of confusion crossed your face.  “What? Why would you think that?”  you ask, and you can here the discomfort in your friends voice.  “It’s just, I was out earlier today, and I saw Harry kissing this girl I’ve never seen before.  I thought maybe you two had broken up and you hadn’t told me, or something…” she trails off.  You feel a lump in your throat and tears welling in your eyes as you say, “I-I’m sorry Sophie.  I’m going to have to call you back later.”  You hang up your phone and stare into space for a minute, before grabbing your purse and storming out of the theatre.  As you leave, you catch a glimpse of Harry heading back into the dark room he thought you were waiting for him in, a jumbo popcorn in hand, clearly meant for you two to share.  You roll your eyes and you feel tears begin to cascade down your cheeks.  You sit down in the drivers seat of your car, angrily slamming the door behind you as you pull out of the theatre.

Louis: You were sitting at home working on a paper on meiosis and mitosis when boredom began to take over, and you decided take a quick break and go to the store to grab some soda.  As you were standing in line with you items, you noticed some magazines.  You scanned over the headlines, waiting for your turn to buy your things, when a headline caught your eye.  “Are Louis and (y/n) over? All the shocking details on his affair and more inside!”  You grabbed the magazine and paid for your things, practically running out of the store and into your flat.  You let your things drop to the ground beside you as tears welled in your eyes.  You burst out sobbing, forcing yourself to look at the pictures of Louis and a mystery girl kissing at the back of a hotel.  You threw the magazine at the wall before another round of tears overcame you. You heard Louis enter the flat. “Hey (y/n), I’m home! The funniest thing happened today! The boys and I were-“ He stopped midsentence at the sight of seeing you crying.  He ran over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “(y/n), what’s wrong?”  You laughed a little through your tears. “As if you don’t know.  Just leave Louis.”  He looked at you confused.  “What are you talking about? (y/n), please tell me what’s going on.”  You pointed at the now crinkled up magazine sitting in the corner of your living room.  Louis walked over to it, picking it up and quickly scanning through its contents before running back to you.  “I promise you it’s not what it looks like!”  “Is that the best you can come up with?” You snap.  “The most cliché line of all time?! If it’s not what it looks like, then by all means, explain to me what it’s supposed to look like!  Please Louis, just leave.”  “I’m not going (y/n).” he said firmly.  “Leave Louis! It’s not a question! Go!” you yell, practically shoving him out the door, slamming it and dead bolting it behind you.  You hear Louis pounding on the door and yelling your name, but he’s barely audible over the sound of your sobs.

Zayn: “It’s gotta be you!” you sang along with the boys.  You were accompanying Zayn on the tour, and you had been having an amazing time.  You attended all the concerts, and Zayn had probably been enjoying it more than you had.  Some fans noticed you, and came over and took pictures with you.  During all his solo’s, Zayn looked directly at you, and you felt as if you were the only two people in the room.  At the end of the concert, you headed to Zayn’s dressing room.  You stood in shock watching Zayn and a girl you’d never seen before standing outside his dressing room, wrapped in a tight embrace.  You could feel your heart breaking as the girl tilted her head and kissed Zayn.  Tears rolled down your cheeks, and a sob escaped your throat.  Zayn jerked his head away from the girl, staring at you in horror.  You began to run away, over to the exit, and you can hear Zayn yelling your name and running after you.  Just as you reach the exit, you feel Zayn’s hand grab your arm.  “(y/n)! Please, just listen to me, I can explain!” he says, out of breath from chasing you down.  “Save it Zayn! We’re over!”  you yell, and you go to leave, but his grip on your arm remains.  “Let go of me!” you shout, and smack his hand off your arm.  He can do nothing but watch in defeat as you storm out of the building, slamming the door behind you.

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