Hospital hospital
Who is the sickest
Of us all?Is it the one who can't stop bleeding?
Is it the one that can't start breathing?
Is it the one who needs feeding?
Or is it the one who keeps on weezing?Is it me who is temporarily paralized?
Is it me with extreme chest pains?
Is it me with terrible back pain?
Is it me who have horrid side affects of the meds?Is it the old lady across from me who had cancer?
Is it the girl next to me who was a dancer?
Is it the old man across the hall who calls his dead wife?
Is it the young guy that has epilepsy?Hospital hospital
You of all
Tell us
Who is the sickest
Of us all?I dare you say the one who is dying.
I dare you say the one little baby who, because of pain, can't stop crying.
I dare you to say who!
I dare you to!Because.
At this very moment I think it's me!
Mysteries of myself
PuisiPoems and random thoughts and feelings I have sometimes. I have poems of other poets in here too. I wrote who the poet is with his/her poem! I am only human (unfortunately) therefor I do make a spelling mistake/typo or two, so please feel free to co...