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my alarm just went off, and it's one in the morning. oh well, time to go get jack from the airport.

i hop out of bed, then put on some sweatpants and one of daniel's hoodies, then drive to the airport.

on the way there, i jam out to why don't we's music.

as i pull up, the song 'taking you' is playing, and i see a man with very curly hair standing on the side, waiting for me to pick them up.

i roll down the passenger side window, then shout, "GET IN NOODLE HEAD!"

he turns his head when he sees my car. i open up the trunk, then he puts his bags inside of it and gets into the passenger side of the car.

"hello there. i am quite fond of the music you are listening to." he says.

"why thank you. i am quite fond of it myself." i laugh.

we end up talking and making jokes the whole way back to my house.

"you'll probably be staying with the seaveys for the time being, so just leave your things in my car and we can get them tomorrow." i say as we walk into my house.

i show him to the guest room, and tell him good night as i go into my bedroom.

daniel is going to be so excited.

i get woken up the next morning, by jack shaking me.

"it's too early for this." i whine.

"actually, it's not. it's like noon." he says. i look over to my alarm clock, and it says 12:07.

"okay, do you want me to text daniel to see if i can come over?" i ask.

"yes! that is the whole reason i'm here." he said in a 'duh' tone.

"don't get sassy on me mister. i just woke up. cut me some slack." i say, as i pull out my phone and text daniel.


me👻: hey baby, i was wondering if i could come over?

dani💞💘: yeah sure, is everything okay?

me👻: yeah, everything's fine. there is just something i want to show you.

dani💞💘: okay, well you can come over anytime.

me👻: okay, well i'm just about to leave. love you dani. 💕

dani💞💘: luv you too babygirl 😘

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"okay, i'm going to go change then we can go." i say, walking out to my closet and putting on some leggings and the hoodie that i wore last night that belongs to daniel.

"shall we?" i ask, as i walk out of my closet.

"we shall."

we walk downstairs, and i see a note on the counter.

"hold on." i said, walking towards the note.

hey elaina,

i am going on a business trip for about a month, so i left some money for you on the counter. i love you.


"my dad is going to miss my eighteenth birthday." i say quietly.

"what? why?" jack asks concerned.

even though i have known him for less than a day, Jack has become the older brother figure i have never had.

"my dad takes work so seriously, it's like he doesn't care about me. is it okay if i text daniel to come over here?" i ask, as i feel the tears star to swell up in my eyes.

"yeah, that's totally fine." he says in a soothing voice.


me👻: change of plans, something is wrong. can you please come over here? i don't really want to leave the house.

dani💞💘: i'm on my way.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

less than a minute later, i hear the front door open, and i see daniel run in.

once he sees me crying in jack's arms, he quickly runs over to me. he doesn't even greet jack, he just makes sure i feel okay.

"hey, it's okay. tell me what's wrong." he whispers, as wraps his arms around me, singing quietly into my ear to make me calm down.

"it's my d-dad." i say, barely even able to get words out of my mouth because i am crying so much.

"shh, babe. you can tell me slowly." he says.

"h-he won't be in t-town for my eighteenth b-birthday." i choke out.

"why not?" i can hear a bit of anger in his voice. 

"h-he is taking w-work way too seriously. he is g-going on a business trip for m-more than a month." i tell him.

he cradles me in his arms, not caring that his shirt is probably ruined because it is soaked in my tears.

"you know what we can do for your birthday?" he asks.


"you and me can go out of town and get away from everything."

"like where?" i ask.

"anywhere you want to go." he replies.


"anywhere in the whole world. the sky is the limit."

"i have always wanted to go to paris, but i bet that is too far away."

"like i said, the sky is the limit."

"i love you so much daniel."

"i love you more."

"not possible."

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