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"good morning babygirl."

i look over to see daniel, shirtless may i add, laying next to me.

"good morning dani." i say, and kiss the tip of his nose.

"you kissed the wrong place." he whined.

"then where am i supposed to kiss you?" i ask, trying to annoy daniel.

"here." he said, pointing to his lips.

"here?" i ask, kissing the edge of his mouth, not exactly on his lips.


"here?" i kiss the other side of his mouth.

"no, here." he kisses me passionately on the lips.

"oh, there." i giggle, pulling away mid-kiss.

"you're such a tease today." he pouts, and looks away.

"aww, is little dani mad?" i coo.


"how can i make it up for my baby boy?" i giggle.

"like this." he said, pulling me closer and connecting our lips.

to make him even more annoyed, i just give him a small peck.

"are you happy now dani?" i ask innocently.

"no." he grumbles.

"well i'm sorry dani, i don't know how to make you happy."

he just groans and turns over, so i am unable to see his face.

i wrap my arm around him, and trace my fingers around his bare chest.

"i'm sorry dani." i whisper in his ear, softly biting his earlobe. "if we weren't at your best friend's house, i would make it up to you."

i softly kiss his neck, and he lets out a few quiet moans.

"shh, you have to be quiet. we are right next to reese's room." i say.

"i'm sorry babygirl, you can't do that to me and expect me to be quiet." he replies.

"it's nice to know i have that effect on you." i whisper, biting his earlobe once again.

"stop it babygirl. you can't do that to me when we're here."

"can i do this?" i ask, softly kissing up and down his back.

"n-no babygirl." he stutters, trying not to moan.

"then what can i do dani?"

"instead of kissing my back, how about you kiss my lips."

"i can do that." i say, as he turns around and i hungrily kiss his lips. we don't normally do things like this, and we just keep things pg, but i didn't feel like doing that today.

"why are you like this today babygirl?" he asks.

"because i feel like it." i respond. i really didn't know why i was having a feeling of lust today.

"i like this side of you." he said.

i bit my lip, and went in for another kiss, but zach barged through the door.

"OH MY GOD, I NEED HOLY WATER!" he yelled.

"so does everyone else that ruins our moments." i mutter.

daniel heard what i said, and started to laugh.

"what's so funny?" zach asks.

"everyone that has walked in on us kissing has said they needed holy water, and when you said you needed holy water, elaina muttered, 'so does everyone that ruins our moments'." daniel said laughing.

"well, my mom made breakfast. come downstairs when your 'moment' is over." said said, a disgusted tone in his voice.

daniel stares to get up and i whimpered.

"come back baby." i whined.

"we have to go eat breakfast babygirl." he said, picking me up from the bed.

i squealed as he threw me over his shoulder and started walking down the stairs.

"good morning!" daniel said cheerfully.

"good morning daniel!" myta said. "may i ask why you have elaina over your shoulder?"

"she refused to get up." he said, putting me down.

we both sat down at the table and ate the breakfast myta prepared.

"thank you myta!" i say.

"it was no problem dear." she said.

"well, we should go get dressed." daniel said, picking me up once again and throwing me over his shoulder.

"you know i have legs, right?" i asked.

"yes, but this is more fun."

i groaned as he carried me upstairs and into the guest bedroom.

he wasn't going to like what i was planning to do to him today. i was going to tease him to his limit, and since we would be out with the herrons all day, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

this was going to be fun.

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